Bill for taking Account of Population of Ireland

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' (Irilancu)


For taking an Account of the Population of

Note.—I'-hs Figures hi the Margin denote the Nwnber of the Folios in

the ivritte7t Copy.

J it is expedient to take an Account of the total'Preambia;

i Number of Perfons in Ireland;

May it therefore pleafe Your MAJESTY,

That it may be Enafted; 3ntl ti0 it (JBnatt0l3 by the KING's Moft
Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords
Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefcnt Parliament aflem-
bied, and by the Authority of the fame. That within that Part of the Houfehoiderj
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland called Ireland, feme fab- ofPariihes
ftantial Houfeholder or Houfehoklers of every Parifh, Townfliip, and â„¢ ^
Place, to be appointed in the Manner hereinafter direAed, fhall at Perfons in
the Time and in the Manner hereinafter dire&cd, Severally take an Ac- their Limits,
count of the Number of Perfons who (hall be a6lually found at the
Time of taking fuch Accounts to be within the Limits of liich Pariflics,
Townfhips, and Places refpeftively, and fhall fet down the feveral Parti¬
culars refpeding the fame, according to the Form prefcribed by the
Schedule annexed to this AA.

And, for the more fpeedy and effe6iual obtaining of fach Accounts, juftkcs, &c.
BE it further Ena&ed, That the Juftices of the Peace for the County nominnca
of the City of Dublin^ and the Recorder of the faid City, and the Juftices of hoWers
the Peace and the Affiftant Barrifters of the feveral and rcfpeftive Coun¬
ties Ireland'^ fhall, at the firJl Quarter Seffions of the Peace'Vvhich lhall
be held within their refpeftive Counties after

Eominate and appoint one or more fubfbantial IJoufeholders, as the faid
Juftices, Recorder, and Afliftant Barrifters Ihall in their Difcretion think.

â– fit, of each and every Parifn in Ireland, for the Furpofe of executing this
AA, and which fuch Houfeholder or Houfeholders, as ^ Cafe may be,

are'hereby required to do.

â– i 4' A An