Bill to amend Act in Ireland for amending Laws relating to First Fruits payable out of Ecclesiastical Benefices and Regulation of Charity for Augmentation of Maintenance of Poor Clergy

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For amending an A& paffed in Ireland^ in the
Twenty-ninth Year of King George the Second,
intituled, " An A£t for amending and making
" more effediual, the feveral Laws relating to the
" Firft Fruits payable out of Ecclefiaftical Bene-
" fices in this Kingdom ; and for the better Regu¬
lation and Management of the charitable Bequeft
of Do£tor Hugh Boulter-^ late Lord Archbifhop
of Armagh^ for augmenting the Maintenance of
poor Clergy in this Kingdom."





Note.'—J^he Figures m the Margin denote the Nmnber of the Folios

in the written Copy.

^ ^ (ZE 30 ty an A6l made in the Parliament of Preamble.
C Ireland, in the Twenty-ninth Year of the Reign of his
^ late Majefty King George the Second, intituled, " An A6l
" for amending and making more effectual, the 'feveral
" Laws relating to the Firft Fruits payable out of Ecclefiaftical
" Benefices in this Kingdom; and for the better Regulation and
" Management of the charitable Bequeft of Doflor Hugh Boulter,

" late Lord Archbifliop of Armagh, for augmenting the Mainte-
" nance of poor Clergy in this Kingdom," it is, amongft other
Things, enafted, That it fliall and may be lawful for the Truftees
a-iid Commiffioners of the Firft Fruits in Ireland, and they arc
thereby authorized and empowered, from and after the Time the
Certificate fliall be returned to them, and entered, fubfcribed, and
attefted by the refjDeftive Archbifliops and Bifliops of every Diocefe,

•in the Manner in the laid A6l mentioned, to augment any Bene-
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