Accounts relating to Customs, Excise, Stamp Duties and Post Office of Ireland; Abstract of Appropriated Duties; State of Establishment and Charges for Government of Ireland, and State of National Account

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N° i. Abftra^V of the DUTIES coliecled under the CommilTioners cf CUSTOMS an<i
EXCISE in Ireland; alio art Account of the STAMP DUTIES, and
POST OFFICE Revenue, for One Ye^r . - - - page 3 to 7.

N' 2. Abftraft of the feveral Appropriated Duties in Ireland, for One
Year  page 9 to 13.

N" 3. State of the Establishment and other Charges of Government in Ireland, for
One Year page 15 to 17.

N° 4. State of the Duties and Aids applicable to the Loans, and the Chxrges thereon, in
Ireland, for One Year - - - - - - page 19 to 23.

N" 5. General State of the N ati 0 n a l Account of Ire'and, l
for One year - - = - - - - J

N° 6. General State of the feveral Appropriated Duties in Ireland (exclufive of
the Loan which appears ia N" 4.) for One Year - - pag« 29 to 33