Bill, intituled, Act for indemnifying Persons acting for Preservation of Public Peace and Suppression of Insurrections and Rebellions in Ireland

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An act for Indemnifying fuch Perfons as have
a&ed) fince the Twenty-fifth Day of March One
thoufand Seven hundred and Ninety-nine, for the
Prefervation of the Public Peace, and Suppreffion
of Jnfurredlions and Rebellion prevailing in feveral
Diftrids of that Part of the United Kingdom called

Note.—Figures in the Margin denote the 'Number of the Prejfes

in the Ingrojfment.

a moft daring and unnatural Rebellion
J 223 % broke out in that Part of the United Kingdom called
{| Ireland, on the Twenty-third Day of May One thoufand

Seven hundred and Ninety-eight, and feveral Diftrifts
within the fame have iince continued to be diflurbed by traitorous
Conspiracies and Infurre&ions, whereby the Perfons and Properties
of many of His Majefty's peaceable and loyal Subjeds have been
grievoufly injured, and many of them have ioft their Lives:

tofj6tSC50 feveral Ofiicers Civil and Military, and other Per-
foDS, in order to preferve the Public Peace, the Lives and Pro¬
perties of His Majefty's peaceable and loyal Subjeds, and to flip-
prefs the faicl. Rebellion, have apprehended fevera! Perfons fuipeded
of being concerned in the laid Infurredions and Rebellion, without
due Authority required by Law, and have done divers other Ads
in Suppreflion of the faid Infurredions and Rebellion, not juftifiable
by Law j which feveral Ads were fo much for the Public Service,
and fo neceflary for the Suppreflion of iuch Infurredions and Re¬
bellion, that the Perfons by.whom they were tranfaded ought to be