Annual report of the Local Government Board for Ireland, for the year 1915-16

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Local Government (Ireland) Acts. vii.

Extension of Time for Payment of Accounts.—Section 51 (7) of
the Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898, and Section 4 of
the Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1902.

The number of apphcations for extensions of time for the pay¬
ment of overdue accounts represents a shght increase on that of
the previous year. In a great number of cases the appUcations
were occasioned by the disturbance of business arrangements
caused by the War. We intend to spare no efforts to secure that
the local authorities shall acquire the habit of discharging all lia¬
bilities within the half-year in respect of which they became due
or within three months thereafter as provided by Section 51 (7)
of the Act of 1898.

County Survexoes and Assistant County Suevbyors.

No new appointments of County Surveyors were made during
the year.

As a number of candidates were awaiting appointment to fill
vacancies in the ofhce of Assistant Surveyor the examination for
qualification for this office was held as usual. Fifteen candidates
presented themselves, of whom nine qualified.

Alteration of Local Goveenment Aeeas.

The constitution of Portstewart as a town under the Towns
Improvement (Ireland) Act, 1854, mentioned in a previous re¬
port has been followed by proceedings for its constitution as an
Urban District under the Public Health and Local Government
Acts. These proceedings were carried to a conclusion during the
year and the town has become an Urban District as from the 1st
April, 1916.

Prior to the completion of these proceedings the old district
electoral division of Portstewart was divided into two district
electoral divisions, one corresponding with the new municipal
area and the other comprising the remaining portion of the old
electoral division.

Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898.—Section 66.

During the year we issued the usual certificates under tins Sec¬
tion of the sums to be paid to us by the Corporation of Dublin
and the Dublin County Council to meet payments in respect of
the pensions of the stall of the former Collector-General of Eates
in Dublin. The total sum payable by the City during the year
was £3,677 17s. 6d. and by the County £316 Is. 8d.

Education (Provision of Meals) (Ireland) Act, 1914.

To the list of authorities mentioned in our last report as having
been authorised to expend out of the rates sums for the purpose
of this Act have been added the Corporation of Cork and the
Urban District of Cavan, making eight districts in all where tne
Act is in operation