Supplement to the General Topographical Index of Ireland, containing all the territorial divisions in which an alteration has been made between 31st March, 1901, and 2nd April, 1911, comprised in the following indices. viz.:- Alphabetical Indices to the t

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1. Government Publications (with the eiccpUon: mentioned in paragraphs 2 to 6) can be bought, either ilirectly or through

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T. FisaEU VxwiN, London, W.C.

Booksellers, and the accredited Agents of Free Public Libraries, are entitled to a discount of 25 per cent, froni published

2. Hydrographical Publications o{ the Admiralty are sold by—

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3. Patent Office Publications are sold at—

The Patent Office, 25, Southampton Buddings, Chancery Lane, London. W.C.

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4. Ordnance Survey and Geoiog[fal Survey Publications can be purchased from—

The Director General of the Ordnance Survey, Southampton ; or
The Superintendent, Ordnance Survey, Dublin ; or
Agents in most of the chief towns in the United Kingdom.

(N.B.—Small Scale Maps are, as a rule, procurable at Railway Bookstalls iu England and Wales.)

5. The Journal of the Board of Agriculture is published monthly by the Board, a I) 4, Whitehall PL.ce. London, S.W.

Price i'L

fi. The London Gazette is published on Tuesday and Friday evenings by—

Wyman & Hons, Ltd., Pricu in.

The following is a list ol some oi the more inipor tant Parliamentary and Official Publications recently
issued : —


Public General Acts, Local and Personal Acts, 1912.
lu separate Acts, at varying prices.

Public General, Session 1911. With Index, Tables, &o.


Indc.r lo Local and Personal Acts, 1801-1890. 10s.

Subsoquont years may be purchased separately.

Second Revised I'.dilion. 1235-1900. Vols. I. to XX.

7s. Qd. each.

Slaliitcs ill Force. Chronological Table and Index of.
27th Edition. To the end of the Session 1 and 2
Geo. V. (1911). 2 vols. ]0s. 6J.

Intcrrcynuin, 1042-1600. AcLs and Ordnances of ihe.

In 3 vols, (not sold separately). 30.?.

Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, 1424 to 1707.

Hei-ised Edilion. IDs.

Statutory Rules and Orders other than those of a Local,
Personal, or Temporary Character. With a List of
Statutory Orders of a Local Character arranged in
classes; an Appendix of certain Orders in Council,
&c.; and an Index. Issued in 1890 to 1911. 10s. each.
Slatvtonj Hides and Orders revised. Statutory I'ules
and Orders, other than those of a Local, Personal,
or Temporary character, in force on December 31,
1903. Vols. I. to XIII. 10s. each.

Statutory Rules and Orders in force on 31st December,
1909. Index to. 10s.

llii>roi!u'AL wrbCiilVTS. B('ports of the Eoyal Com¬
missioners. In course of issue.

Report of the .Vdvisnrx ('uiniiiittee respecting rcgula-
I lens. [Cd. 035y.] 24'.

Du. Hulos. ir.C. 1-12. 2W.

MvrisxirAi, Aiisri!\('t. I'mted Kishdoji, 1897 to lOll.
[Cd. 0399.J Is. N.

Statement lor 1911. [Cd. 0398. | 3s.

.Minkiss' y\iXT\ fjUirb. Testino of. Report of
Departniontal Coininitfoe on. fCd. 0387.] 5},d.

IsoivuoN llosi>iTAt..s. Report. fCd. 1)342.] Is. 7(7.

MI rvi.i.ii31t.M..s and (JvliovAi, Cioi-
\n--sKiN. r.Mili'nee, .Vppendiee^, and Index. [Cd. Ii390. ]

3s. :!(/.

mmisikm. '['\:n.i,s. Oiarisu CoioNn.s. 1910. [Cd.
lilOO.] ().â– .. t\d.

Cu\N(,rs IN \\ vi.i.s \xi, Itoriis or LMion;, 1911.
iicport. [Cd, (i47I.| 8(/.

i>IVOIi( l-: AND i\l VTlilMONt\1 CaI'sI s. liOYVf. CoilillS-
siov ON'. 'Majoriiv and "Minority H.'iiorl--, itit r.\i-
denee and AppeuduH'-.. |(\1. IW7K. I'i479. (USO. ti4^1.
IWS2.1 ]7^. \\l.

\V(ll!KMi;\\ comltnsition STVTIsTFCS. 1911. [Cd.

019:1.1 Q,\d.

i'okeian Imj'okt Duties. 1912. [Cd. 0475.] 4s. lOJ.
colonial Import Duties. 1912. [Cd. 6470.J 3s. Sd.
profit Shaking and Co-rAKTNEHSHir. Ukited liiNti-
doji. [Cd. 0496.] 8id.

Linen and other M.4.king-tjp Trades oi.' the North
of Ireland. Report of Committee on Conditions of
Employment; with Evidence and Index. [Cd. 6509.]

Is. 9d.

the Colonies

I'EOM: 1897
Is. lOd,

Statistical Abstract fou

to 1913. [Cd. 6533.] India. Sanitary Measures Pkouuess. Papers
relating to the Imperial Malaria Conference, &c.;
Food and Drugs; Town Planning; Vital Statistics,
&c. [Cd. 0538.] 2s.

dominions. PiOyAL commission. alatukal resources,
Tuade, &c. First Interim Report, with EvidBiTe(3','&c'.
[Cd. 0515, 0510, 0517.] Os. 3ld.

•Tuj)irivL Statistics. ENc«.isd and AVales, 1911.

Criminal. [Cd. 6602.] _ (id.

Civil Service Royal Commission. Second lleport,
with Evidence, &c. [Cd. 0534, 0535.] 5s. l\d.

Dni.vtfon of bulldincs for small holdings. Re¬
port o! Committee. [Cd. 0530.] 2?,(/.
industrial Directory, United Iungdom. 1913,
[Cd. 6640.] - ia. 2d.
Congo. Correspondence respecting the Afiairs of. fCd.

London Traffic Board. Report, 1912 (with maps).

[Cd. 6608.] 6^

Canvda. Industrial Disputes rnvestigatxon Act,
1907. Report. [Cd. 6603.] 3-\d.

\.(.iacuj.rlkal Statistics, England and Wales, 1912.

Acreage and Live Stock. [Cd. 6597,] old.

Deaths of Sevmen and Fishermen duking 1911-12.'

[Cd. 0629.] 0(i.

DILLS. Si-ss. 1913. Report bv Board of Trade. [Cd.
'502k. I " 6.W.

Au.sTKU.iv. . Xu-in.s.TlON Bill, 19P2. [Cd. 6564.] ll.d.

Military: -

\i!viy Ri-:viin\. Vol. 4. Xo. 1. Jan. 1913,
vrtii.llity. G.vurison. Coa-^t Hefencos. Ini-

tiiins for Practice Seawards. 191.1-14.

( ouiisr.s 01- Insikuctjon, ]91.'!-I I.

l>iu. Sight, Xo, 7, Instructions for the u

Ei.i:(Ti;tc Lighting. Jftr.miiY. Jlannal of.
ITT. 1912.

P.'it 1, 1912.

Pa it 2, Details :—


X\ IT, Officers Training Corps. 1012.

1 S-,




