Educational Endowments (Ireland) Commission: annual report, 1891-92, minutes of evidence and appendices

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SUMMARY— continued. 





Louth, Galway, SUgo, 

King's, Queen's, Roscommon, 


18th Charles II., 
18, 19th Charles II., 
30, 21st Charles II., 

18th Charles II., 
18, 21st Charles II., 

18th Charles II., 
18, 19th Charles II., 
30, . 

19th Charles II., 
30, . 
21st Charles II., 
66, . 

21st Charles II., 
35, . 

21st Charles II., 
35, . 

21st Charles II. 
35, . 




Gross Totals, . 

Acreage, Statute Measure. 

Quit Rents reserved by the 


391 3 0 2,193 3 12 1,118 1 38 3,704 0 10 

210 1 16 159 0 32 

£ s. 
5 18 llf 20 11 4 10 9 6 

369 2 8 

12,596 2 34 1,637 1 3 

410 2 27 1,185 3 35 1,596 2 22 

1,218 2 13 

440 3 0 

36 19 9f 4 1 

5 19 

If 9 6 4 lOf 157 8 2 

10" v 8 

2 11 7 8 

4 k 9 19 H 15 4 71 ' 


5 0 11 

176 2 9 46,449 1 7 

19 5 471 4 3 Draft Scheme prepared and published by the Commissioners in pursuance of tbe Act, sec. 

May 14, 1892. 



Observations of Lord Justice Fitzgebbon, Judicial Commissioner, upon tbe Draft Scheme. 
In preparing Draft Schemes under the Educational Endowments (Ireland) Act, 1885, the five Commis¬ sioners act together, with equal responsibnity and authority. 
At the expiration of two months after the Publi¬ cation of the Draft Scheme, it becomes the duty of the Judicial Commissioners, alone, to consider any objections and proposed amendments which may be received, and thereupon, "if they tMnk fit," to frame a Scheme "in such form as they think expedient, and submit it for the approval of the Lord Lieutenant in Council." 
Every Scheme so submitted must be signed by both the Judicial Commissioners under their hands. 
I have so far approved of every Draft Scheme hitherto published by the Commission, that, subject to judicial consideration of any objections or amend¬ ments, I was prepared to sign a Scheme framed upon its principles. 

As at present advised, I am unable to accept Draft Scheme, No. 
144, for the Erasmus Smith's Endow¬ ments. 
It has been prepared by a majority of the Commission without my concurrence, and against my present opinion upon several important points. 


I deem it my duty to direct the attention of all parties interested to the principal questions upon which I shall require to be satisfied before I can sign the Scheme. 
When the period for lodging objections and proposed amendments has expired, full opportunity wiU be given, according to our practice, for the public discussion of the Draft Scheme. 
I am to be under¬ stood as not now anticipatng the final determination of questions stUl subjudice, but as informing the parties concerned of my present impressions, with regard to the chief questions upon which I desire to invite assistance, in determining whether the Draft; Scheme should be modified, and whether, if not modified, I should decline to sign it, or should join in submitting