Bill to amend Poor Law (Ireland) Acts

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Poor Law (Ireland) Amendment Bill 

The poor law in Ireland at present permits hoards of guardians to provide for the education of pauper children in estahlishnients separated from the workhouse. 
In the case of deserted children, the Poor Law Act of 1889 enabled them to keep hoys up to the age of sixteen years, and girls up to the age of eighteen years, in these separate estahlishments. 
In the case of all other children, they must at present remove them from these schools at fifteen years of age. 
This Bill seeks to permit the guardian s} where advisable, to maintain all pauper hoys up to the age of sixteen in these schools, and girls up to the age of eighteen, instead of returning them to the workhouses at the age of fifteen, where they would rank as able-bodied paupers. 

[Bill 199.]