Special Commission to inquire into Charges and Allegations against certain M.P.s in Proceedings in Action of O'Donnell v. Walter: report

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118 special commission act, 1888 : 

46, vol. 
5 (2644). 

45, vol. 
5 (2643). 

597, vol. 
9 (5725). 
509, vol. 
9 (5727). 

See Eeport of the Chicago Convention, p. 
118, vol.7 
505, vol. 
9 (5723). 
118, vol. 
7 (4674). 

Report of the Chicago Convention, 1886. 

Thus it will be seen that Mr. 
Patrick Egan, at that time a member of the Olan-na-Gael as well as president of the National League of America, was entrusted with the proxies obtained through the instrumentality of the Clan-na-Gael. 
Shortly before the Convention, a meeting of the Olan-na-Gael took place at Pittsburg. 
It was resolved that " 

we maintain the <J same relations in the future to open societies working for the " same purposes as ourselves, that we have in the past." 
" That " the name Clan-na-Gael be no longer used." 
Before the Chicago Convention, meetings of the Clan-na-Gael were held as before, and the nominees for office there chosen were elected in the National League Convention. 
The meeting of this convention was preceded by one at Ogden Grove, at which Finnerty made a violent speech. 
who was present, said he believed that " we in Ireland can work out the destiny of our country, vindicate " Irish national sentiment, realise Irish patriotic aspirations, without " the aid of dynamite or any policy of that kind." 
The Parnellite delegates to the convention were Messrs. 
O'Brien, M.P., 
Redmond, M.P., 
and Deasy, M.P. 
The night before the convention there was a meeting between Messrs. 
Davitt, O'Brien, Redmond, Egan, Sullivan, and Ford. 
The National League Convention was called to order by P. 
Egan (president). 
Over a thousand delegates attended. 
At this meeting a resolution was passed giving the president of the National League the power of selecting the seven members of the executive committee. 
The committee on finance submitted a report showing the following balance sheet for two years:— 

Parliamentary Fund. 

$ Cash on hand reported to Boston Convention -4,739 Cash received at Boston Convention --1,111 Interest on deposit --175 Receipts from all other sources -

--314,257 Total ---$320,282 Transmitted to 0. 
Parnell and trustees of the Parliamentary Fund ---314,452 

Balance on hand -$5,830 

League Fund. 
Total -$37,138 

Total -$21,082 

See pass-book in the Appendix to the Short¬ hand Reports of Pro¬ ceedings. 

It has been proved that out of the $314,452 transmitted to Mr. 
Parnell and the trustees of the Parliamentary Fund the Irish Members of Parliament received in the year 1886, 7,556Z„ and in 1887,10,5002. 
We are of opinion that the evidence proves that the Irish National League of America has been since the Philadelphia Convention, 25th April 1883, directed by the Clan-na-Gael, a body actively engaged in promoting the use of dynamite for the destruction of life and property in England. 
It has been further proved that while the Clan-na-Gael controlled and directed the Irish National League of America, the two organisations concurrently collected sums amounting to more than 60,000Z. 
for a fund called the Parliamentary Fund, out of which payments have been made to Irish Members of Parliament, amounting in the year 1886 to 7,556Z., 
and in 1887 to 10,500Z. 
It has not, however, been proved