Return of judicial rents fixed by Sub-Commissions and Civil Bill Courts, notified to Irish Land Commission, April-May 1882

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Showing, according to Counties and Provinces, 

been Fixed by Sub-Commissioners from and also the Acreage, Tenement Valuation, 

the Number of Cases in which Judicial Rents have the 17th April, 1882,^ to the 31st May, 1882; Former Rents, and Judicial Rents of the Holdings 

Ulster— Antrim, Armagh, Donegal, Down, Monaghan, Tyrone, 



Dublin, Kildare, Kilkenny, Longford, Westmeath, Wexford, 


Galway, Leitrim, Mayo, Slifl a°> 

Total, MUNSTCR— 

Clare, Cork, Kerry, Tipperary, 


Nutnbci of Caaos 

in wlucli Judicial Bouts havo boon Fixod. 

92 142 167 166 61 176 


69 60 101 60 4 50 


134 39 118 117 408 

152 86 55 106 



Statute Acies. 
3,049 3 27 1,545 1 19 5,237 2 19 2,431 1 27 1,218 2 27 7,415 2 12 

20,898 2 11 

2,009 3 33 2,217 3 11 4,670 3 21 2,140 1 32 107 3 4 2,464 0 37 

13,611 0 18J 

3,892 1 37 1,258 2 21 2,504 3 22 1,909 0 8 

9,025 0 8 

0,353 1 13 5,349 3 30 2,738 2 0 3,445 0 2G 

17,886 3 29 

Tenement Valuation. 

£ s. 
2,639 5 0 1,885 5 0 2,070 16 6 2,086 10 0 1,000 19 0 2,106 8 7 11,789 4 1 

2,241 15 4 1,688 14 0 2,838 15 0 1,472 15 0 43 10 0 1,486 0 

9,771 14 4 

1,958 15 8 384 3 0 1,349 9 6 969 6 0 

4,661 14 2 

1,708 11 0 2,759 15 6 1,370 11 0 1,787 16 0 

7,686 13 6 

Foimer Rent. 

£ s. 
3,167 14 2 2,139 15 10i 2,757 9 3 2,497 3 11| 1,199 8 5 2,791 12 9 

14,553 4 5 

3,342 9 0 2,485 12 10 3,656 4 5 2,196 14 11 

86 0 10 2,040 II 5 

13,807 13 5 

2,405 1 01 508 19 3 2,141 11 1| 1,315 11 9 

6,371 3 2 

3,198 8 2 4,597 11 10 2,408 1 3 2,376 1 0 

12,580 2 3 

Judicial Reut. 

£ s. 
2,514 18 6 1,507 12 6 2,013 3 6 1,888 8 9 1,012 17 0 2,046 16 5 

10,983 16 8 

2,924 13 1 2,088 4 4 3,024 18 5 1,699 19 4 43 10 0 1,678 2 10 

11,459 8 0 

2,053 8 5 416 14 4 1,624 6 7 1,028 3 6 

5,122 12 10 

2,066 7 4 3,673 10 10 1,841 15 9 1,968 12 9 

9,550 6 8 



Total, . 

804 344 408 399 1,955 

20,898 2 11 13,611 0 181 9,625 0 8 17,886 3 29 62,021 2 26! 

11,789 4 1 9,771 14 4 4,661 14 2 7,686 13 6 33,909 6 1 

13,807 13 b,o«I o 12 580 2 

5 5 2 3 

10,983 16 8 11,459 8 0 5,122 12 10 9,550 6 8 47,312 3 3 37,116 4 2 Note—Sec page 131 for Summary of Civil Bill Court Cases. 

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