Local Government Board for Ireland: tenth report with appendix

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Providing Dispensary-houses and Dwelling-houses. 
19 And the following shows in more detail, and under the usual heads a comparative statement of the expenditure for the two years ended September 29th, 1880 and 1881, respectively ;— 

Medical Charities Expenditure. 

Medicines and medical appliances, . 
Rent of Dispensary buildings, 3. 
Books, forms, stationery, printing, and advertising; 4 qolariPsof-?Medical0fficers' 
• 4-balanesott Apothecaries, .... 
Fuel, porters, and incidental expenses, . 

1881, £ £ 27,003 29,092 8,189 8,386 1,101 1,203 88,922 88,819 2,700 2,711 11,253 13,891 Expenses under Vaccination Acts : 6. 
Vaccination fees and other expenses:— 

Fees to Medical Officers, . 
Other expenses, 

Total, . 

13,140 1,067 

12,088 1,054 £153,375 £157,244 Providing Dispensary-houses and Dwelling-houses, 24. 
In connexion with the administration of the Medical Chari¬ ties Act we refer here, in continuation of our previous report, to the "Act to give facilities for providing Dispensary-houses and Dwelling-houses for Medical Officers of Dispensary Districts in certain parts of Ireland," which received the Boyal Assent on the 21st of July, 1879. 
A general disposition continues to be shown to take advantage of the provisions of the Act, and proceedings under it are still pending in several oases. 
Since our last Annual Report certificates have been issued under the Act in the following Unions:— 

Ardee Union, . 
Collon Dispensary District. 
Ballymoney ,) . 
Gastlequarter )» it Bellmullet „ . 

H Limerick )! 

n » Lisburn, 1) . 

)) )) Listowel It . 
Ballyduff n « Midleton 5, . 
Midleton (2) it !) 
Mullingar )) . 
MultyfamlidHi » 1> Newtownards „ . 
Grey Abbey j) » RatMrum u . 
Newbridge n !> 
Swineford H . 

j) 11 !) 



, SwineFord !1 

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