Return of crimes against human life, unlawful oaths, intimidation, incendiary fires, etc. reported by Royal Irish Constabulary, November 1880

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HRTURN to an Order of the Honourable Tho House of Commons, 

(latfd 0 Jumuuy 1881 ;—for, RETURN (in continuation of the Return ordered on the 9th February 1880) " showing all Crimes against Human life, Firing into Dwelling-houses, Administering Unlawful Oaths, Demands for Money, Threatening Letters, or other Intimidation, Incendiary Fires, Robbery of Arms, &c., 
which have been Reported by the Royal Irish Constabulary between the 1st day of January 1880 and iluj 31st day of October 1880, both Dates inclusive, distinguishing, as far as possible, Agrarian Cutmks ; and showing ;— 

Number and Names of Persons Convicted ; 2. 
Number and Names of Persons made Amenable but not Con-

vieted; 3. 
Number of Cages in which no Person was made Amenable :'' 

" Similar Return for Month of November 1880 : 


"And, .Similar 
Return for Month of December 1880." 

» Mr. 
IVMIium Ethan d Fori for.) 

Fart II. 
-For the Month of November 1880. 

Ordered, by The House 'I Commons, to be Printed, 

6 January 1881. 
