Bill to enable Guardians of Poor to borrow Money for procuring Seed Potatoes for Tenants in Ireland

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[13 Vict.] 
Seed Potatoes (Ireland). 

A Jl> X JL Jj 


Enable Guardians of the Poor to borrow Money for the A/D-ISSG-purpose of procuring Seed Potatoes for Tenants in Ireland. 
^ tKEPlEAS it. 
is desirable to enable Guardians of Poor Law 

Unions in Ireland to borrow money for the purpose of fur¬ nishing seed potatoes to distressed tenants in Ireland: Be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and 3 with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : 

It shall be lawful for the Guardians ot* an Union (with the Powet ot consent of the Poor Law Commissioners, to he testified under their puaidlanrj t0 

5 borrow. 
10 seal,) who shall be desirous to borrow money for the purpose of 

purchasing seed potatoes, to make application for such purpose to the Commissioners of Public "Works in Ireland ; and the said Com¬ missioners of Public "Works in Ireland are hereby authorised to make such advances without interest upon any such application as 15 aforesaid, on the security of the rates for the relief of the poor, or 

special rates to be made under an Act passed in the first and second years of the reign of Her present Majesty, intituled " An Act for the more effectual relief of the destitute poor in Ireland," and all Acts amending the same, to he made in Mich Union, and without 20 requiring any further or other security than a charge on such rates, 

which charge the said Union are herebv authorised to create. 
The entire amount of the advances made to any Union shall not exceed one fourth of the amount at which all lands within such Union are rated. 
25 2. 
All moneys to be borrowed under this Act for the purpose of Money 

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,A borrowed to purchasing seed potatoes shall be secured by a charge on the rate* 

be ^uri,d hereby authorised under the seal of the Guardians, and shall carry on vSx^. 

no interest, and the principal shall be payable at or before one year from the advance of such monevs. 
r, .. 
Guardians to 30 3. 
With all moneys borrowed under this Act, the Guardians may to purchase 

purchase seed potatoes, and sell any portion of the same to tenants of ^f^H fcT" 

[Bill 13.] 
