Resolution adopted by the Catholic Union of Ireland on the 12th day of June 1879 upon the subject of university education in Ireland, lately forwarded to the Prime Minister, 1879

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RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons,
dated 17 July \%7Q)—for,

COPY "of the Resolution adopted by the (Catholic Union oi Ireland on
the 12th day of June 1879, upon the subject of University Education
in Ireland, lately forwarded to the Prime Minister."

At a Meeting of the Council of the Catholic Union of Ireland, held on the 12th
day of June 1879, the following Resolution was unanimously adopted ;—

The Council of the Catholic Union of Ireland having carefully considered the
provisions of the University Education Bill, introduced by the O'Conor Don,
believe that it will bring the benefits of university education within reach of all
classes of Her Majesty's subjects in Ireland, without distinction of creed.

They see in it a measure of which Catholics can avail themselves without
sacrificing their religious convictions; and having ascertained the influential
support accorded to the lay declaration in its favour, now in course of signature,
they consider that the Bill may be safely accepted.

The Council take this opportunity of tendering the thanks of the Union to
Her Majesty's Government for having passed the Intermediate Education Act
of last Session, which promises to confer many benefits on the youth of Ireland,
and they respectfully urge on Ministers to give their powerful aid to the passing
of the present Bill, and thus complete the educational plan shadowed forth by
the Lord Chancellor when introducing the Intermediate Education Bill.

The Council feel convinced that this measure will be accepted as a boon by
this country, and will materially conduce to its prosperity and contentment.

(signed) Granard,

President, Catholic Union of Ireland.