Local government and taxation of towns: Ireland: part II; Belfast, Trim and Wicklow

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List of Lands or Tenements, the Property of the Town Commissioners, of which Leases have fallen in since 1840; Names of Parties to whom le-let; the Rents and Teims for which Leases made, and the Rateable Value on each, by Griffith's Valuation, stating if any of the Paities to whom Leases made weie, at the time, or shortly before, or since, Membeis or Officeis of the Municipal Body, or in any instance nearly related to such Member or Officer—continued 

Denomination of Lands and Tenements of which Leases have fallen 

n sinco 1840 

Names of Persons to whom 

ro let on I ease 

Common Lands, South Common Lands, 3rd Di¬ vision. 
Corporation Lands, North, Common Lands North, 

Ditto, Ditto, Ditto, . 

Common Lands, South, Corporation Lands, Noith. 
Common Land3, South, Commons, 7th Division, South Corporation Land, North 2nd Division Corpoi ation Land, North, 1st Division Corporation Land, North 

Ditto, . 

Commons 7th Division, 

Ditto, . 

Common Lands, North House aud Plot of Ground in Wellington-place House-> & piece of Ground at Fair green, and el«C' where in Trim Commons 7th Division, 

Ditto, . 

Common Lands, North Common L ind», South, Common Lands North, 

Ditto Common Lands, South, Common Lands, North, Common Lands, South, . 

Common Lands, South (two 1 arms) 

Common Lands, South, 

Ditto, . 

House and premises in High st at Post Office-lane Tenements and gardens (several) Common Lands, South, 

Park called the Watergate Park Common Lands, South, 

Ditto, . 

Common Lands, North, . 

Ditto, . 

Ditto, . 

Common Lands, South, . 

Byrne, Eliza, 

Brenu m, Bernard, Brogan Richard, . 

Bailey Patrick, Battersby, J.imes, 

Battersby, James, and Fag in, William Brogan John, . 

Blake, Thomas, Bjrnell, William, Bl ike, Daniel, Blake, Daniel, Blake, Thomas, Blake, James, Carleton, Joseph Glen-ville 

Ditto, . 

Corry, Phoebe (now C P Duigenan) Corry, John, C ihvell, Matthew, Corry, Phoebe, Chambers, Edwd Elliott, Corry, David, ]un Clarke, Anne, Darling, Job, Duigenan, Cr P, Da\is, Thomas, Da\i«, Thoma-, Tay, Luke, F> ans, Ro«e (in trust for hei son Edw ud) riood, Rich ird rox,Thomas (in America when lease was exe¬ cuted) 

Griffith, Henry, Gallagher, Patrick, Ginty and Wife, Goodman, John, Hipwell, George D, 

Hipwell, George D, Hanbury, Hugh, Hughes, Martin, . 

Hynes, Robert, M'Keone, Nicholas, M'Keone, Christopher, . 

Mooney, Patrick, . 

Rent*, per Annum 

lerm of I eisi and wlietlu r sanctioned by the Lords of tin. 

Poor Rate \ aluation 

£ s d 11 19 0 being 25s per acre 14 5 0 

15 13 10 17 13 9 6 6 0 5 (5 1 16 C b 4 0 1 12 0 0 4 7 10 5 IS a S 10 0 10 10 0 0 5 11 9 r. 

G IS 0 7 5 2; 1 i 0 0 ll» 0 

0 1 > 2 1 7 f 3 1) S 7 10 0 

3 Id 10 4 12 0 6 3 2 3 lb 0 4 0 0 22 15 0 

GOO 14 9 G 0 9 I 

0 5 0 5 0 0 

1 17 6 COO 3 5 0 3 12 6 5 14 6 29 19 8 4 0 0 

For >1 yeais from March, 1852 Foi 11 year3 fiom Sept, 1SG0 For 31 years fiom Sept , lSoO Foi il years from Sept,lbuO For 30 yeais fiom Maich 1S4S For 31 years from Sept , 

isro Tor 31 years from Sept 1855 Foi 31 years from March, 1S->G For 31 yeirs fiom Sept, 185') For 31 years fiom March ls5f. 
I or 31 years from Sept, 1SG0 For 31 years from March, 18 G7 Tor 31 years trom March, 18 G7 Tor 31 years from March 1848 Foi 31 years from Sept, 18o9 



29th 21th 25 th 29th 29 th 25 th 29 th 25 th 29th 20 th 25th 25th 29th 

Tor ol j ears from 20th Sept, 18G0 

I or 31 years from 25th Maich, 1872 For 31 yens fiom 23th Manh IS 10 Tor lives renewable for «. 
ver For lives renewable foi ever lor 31 ycirs fiom 29th Sept, 1850 For 31 years from 2-th March, 1849 Foi 31 years from 2oth March, 1S48 Toi 31 ye its from 25th Maich, 18j6 1 oi Gl )eira from 20th Sept, 1Sj2 Foi >1 yens from 25th Mauh, 18f > For 31 jeirs from 25th Mirch, 181') For 31 ycais from 25th March, 18-1 Tor 31 years fioin 25th March, 1836 For 51 years from 25th March, 1SG7 

For 31 years from 25th March, IS 17 For 31 years from 29th Sept, 1SG0 For lives renewable for ever For lives renewable for ever For 31 years from 2*5111 March, 1853. 

1 or lives renewable foi ever For 31 >ears from 29th Sept, 18G2 Tor 31 years from 25th March, 1870 For 31 yeais from 25th March, 1868. 
For 31 years from 25th March, 1847 For 31 years from 25th March, 1867 For 31 years from 29th September, 1848 

£ s d 17 10 0 

S 10 0 

5 5 0 26 10 0 6 0 0 GOO 12 0 0 GOO 10 5 0 4 15 0 3 15 0 9 5 0 5 10 0 7 lo 0 10 10 0 

G 10 0 

7 0 0 9 0 0 5 0 0 14 0 0 

7 0 0 1 10 0 7 0 0 13 0 0 

4 10 0 4 5 0 7 0 0 7 15 0 6 0 0 31 10 0 

6 10 0 10 0 0 13 0 0 

22 0 0 G 5 0 

3 10 0 8 5 0 3 10 0 4 0 0 7 0 0 26 0 0 6 10 0 

Whether Town Commissioners, or nearly related, or Officers of Town Commissioners 


Town Commis sioner 

Non Non. 
Non Nou Non Non Non Non Non Non Non Town Commis sioner 



Non Town Commis-sionei 

Non Non 

Non Non lown Commis¬ sioner Land Agent to Town Commis¬ sioners 

Non Non Non Non Town Commis¬ sioner 


Non Non Nou Non Town Commis¬ sioner 

Town Commis¬ sioner, 

Non Non Town Commis¬ sioner 


Whether lot or sub let to or by a Town Commissioner, or parted with 

for a valuable consideration 


Leasehold interest sold to Michael Kelly foi £40 sterling fant aftei wai ds i educed 

Non Non Non Non Non Non Non Non Non Nou Non Non (A field added m new Least) Sub¬ let a portion to John Bracken Old Lease of first portion not run out A less lent placed on let¬ ting A field, now sub let, added Pnited with toi money lent to Lessee by C P Dmgciun, Agent of the Town C ommissioners foi hisownuuount 

Non Paitcd with for a valuable con sidciatiou 

Non Parted with foi a v iluabk con¬ sideration 

Non Non Sub let at a large profit Rent-say ibout iiii, or over 


Patted with foi a valuable con-sideiation Parted with foi a valuable con-sidei ation 

Nou Nou Sold Mi riood left the locality Old lease of a poi tion not suffered to expire Lease signed by Com¬ missioners agent, C 1' Duigenan, by virtue of alleged power of at¬ torney on behall of Thomas Fox in U S of Amenca. 
Sold, Mr Griffiths being dead 

Non Non. 
Non Parted with for valuable conside¬ ration, having previously given £30 to the agent, C P Duigenanr-for his interest in this lot Sub-let to George Atkinson at largo profit rent Sub-let to Edward Roe at large profit rent 

Non Non Non. 
Non Non