Bill to extend Limits of Age up to which, with Assent of Boards of Guardians, Orphan and Deserted Pauper Children may be supported out of Workhouses in Ireland

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[39 Vict.] Orphan and Deserted Children {Ireland).




Extend the Limits of Age up to which^ with the assent of A.D. 1876.
Boards of Guardians, orphan and deserted pauper Children
may be supported out of Workhouses in Ireland.

WHEB/EAS it is expedient to extend the age up to which
orphan and deserted children may be kept ou.t at nurse in

Be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and
5 with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal,
and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the
authority of the same, as follows :

1. From and after the passing of this Act the Act of the thirty- Eepeal.
second and thirty-third year of the reign of Queen Victoria, chapter

10 twenty-five, shall be and the same is repealed.

2. From and after the passing of this Act it shall be lawful for Relief of
the board of guardians of any union in Ireland to provide for the &c.
relief of any orphan or deserted child out of the workhouse, if they

shall think fit to do so, by placing such child out at nurse according
25 to their discretion : Provided that no child shall be placed out
with 'any person who does not profess the same religion as that in
which the child has been registered, and that no child shall continue
to be so relieved after the age of thirteen years.

3. Nothing in this Act shall be held to re-enact the ninth section Saving.
20 of the Act of the twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth year of the reign of

Queen Victoria, chapter eighty-three.

fBill 32.