Return of Number of Poor Persons removed from Unions and Parishes in England and Wales, and Scotland, to Ireland, 1870-74

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RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, 

dated 31 May 1875;—/or, 

RETURN "of the Number of Pooe Persons removed from the several 

Unions and Parishes under separate Boards of Guardians in England and Wales to Ireland:" 

" Similar Return of those removed from Scotland to Ireland by the 

Parochial Authorities in Scotland, in each of the Years 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, and 1874 :" 

" And, Copy of an}' Correspondence "between the Central Poor Law Authorities in England, Ireland, and Scotland." 


Ordered, by The House of Commons, lo be Printed, 

13 August 1875. 
