Local Government Board for Ireland: second report with appendices

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Burial Grounds Acts. 
83 received a petition from tho Corporation of Dublin for a Pro¬ visional Order altering tho Local Acts undor which the Vartry Waterworks were constructed and giving extended powers to tho Town Council iu relation to tho supply of wafer. 
After an inquiry by our Inspector, Mr. 
Robinson, before whom objections put forward from various quarters were heard and witnesses ex¬ amined in relation to them, as well as to the objects of tho petition, we determined, on receiving tho Inspector's Report, to mako a Provisional Order in accordance-with the requirements of the petition, with one exception not substantially interfering with the general scope of the objects sought, of which tho most im¬ portant is an additional borrowing power to the extent of £50,000. 
We have since received applications for Provisional Orders from the important towns of Kingstown and Gal way, and others wo have reason to know are likely to follow. 
The facilities in fact afforded by this process of legislation are beginning to be appre¬ ciated in Ireland, being very attractive on account of their great simplicity and great economy. 
Both tho Belfast and the Dublin Petitions wore opposed, but tho inquiry, though attended by counsel and solicitors, did not iu cither case last more than two or three days, and tho total expense to the petitioning parties could not in either case have excoodod two or three hundred pounds, whereas, conducted as formerly at Westminster, the oxponso would havo boon at least twice as many thousands. 

Burial Grounds Ads. 
30, Since the power of closing Burial Grounds was transferred to us from the Privy Council wo havo made and gazetted orders to that effect in tho following cases, most of them in the vicinity of Dublin, viz,, Bluebell, in the pariah of Clondalkin, and county of Dublin ; Whifechurch, Cruagh, Tallaght, and Malahide, in tho county of Dublin ; Templornmy, in the county of Wicklow; and Omey and Kinvarra, in the county of Galway. 
Wo havo also issued licences under the 10th section of tho "Burial Grounds Act," authorizing in special individual casos, where the circumstances seemed to warrant if, interments in burial grounds which had been ordered to bo closed either by the Privy Council or by ourselves, These exceptional cases applied to the following burial grounds; —The burial ground of the Cathedral Church of St. 
Columb, Londonderry; the burial ground of the Chapel of Ease, Londonderry; the northern burial ground attached to tho Parish of St. 
Amies] Shandon, Cork \ tho burial ground of the Church of St. 
Matthew, Irishtown, Dublin; tho burial ground of St, Finbnr's Parish, Cork ; St. 
Peter's Church, Dublin; Bluebell grave-yard, Olondalkin; and Tomplorainy burial ground, Parish of Kilbride, in tho county of Wicklow. 
Wo have authority under tho statute to close old burial grounds, and to prohibit now ones being opened, but it rests entirely with tho Burial Boards to undertake the establishment of now ones when required. 
Our efforts, however, to promote tho opening of new burial places pan pawn with tho closing of old ones havo