Return of arrests under Peace Preservation (Ireland) Act

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RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, 

dated 9 May 18 73;—-for, RETURNS "specifying the Districts in Ireland to which the Provisions of the 

Peace Preservation (Ireland) Act have been applied, and the Dates when Proclaimed, distinguishing such Districts as have been specially Proclaimed under Part II. 
of same Act:" " And, of all Arrests which have been made under the Authority of same Act, of all 

Orders which have been made under the Provisions of the same, whether made by the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, or by Justices of the Peace, and of all G-rand Jury Presentments made in case of Murder, Maiming-, or other Personal Injury, under the Provisions of the Act (in continuation of Parliamentary Paper of 2nd March 1871)." 

— No. 
RETURN of all Arrests which have been made under the Authority of the Peace Preservation (Ireland) Acts, from the 4th April 1870 to the 2nd March 1871, inclusive, (See Note under No. 
Nature of Offence. 
Number of 




Part I.—In 
Proclaimed Districts. 
Arrests of Persons unlawfully carrying or having Arms, contrary to 11 & 12 Vict., 
9 & 12 

Part II.—In 
Specially Proclaimed Districts. 
Arrests of Persons unlawfully carrying or having Arms, contrary to 11 & 12 Vict. 
2, ss. 
9 & 12, Peace Preservation (Ireland) Act, 

Total Arrests ---


31 193 Constabulary Office, Dublin Castle, 

14 June 1873. 

Stewart Wood, Inspector General of the Royal Irish Constabulary. 
RETURN of all Arrests which have been made under the Authority of the Peace Preservation (Ireland) Acts, from the 3rd March 1871 to the 9th May 1873, inclusive. 
Nature of Offence. 

Part I.—In 
Proclaimed Districts. 
Arrests of Persons unlawfully carrying or having Arms, contrary to 11 & 12 Vict. 
2, ss. 
9 & 12. 
Of Persons duly licensed to kill Game unlawfully carrying or having Arms contrary to Section 6 ------~ Of Persons duly licensed to have or carry Arms, unlawfully having or carrying Revolvers, contrary to the same Section ---

Part II.—In 
Specially Proclaimed Districts. 
Arrests of Persons unlawfully carrying or having Arms, contrary to 11 & 12 Vict, c. 
2, ss. 
9 & 12, Peace Preservation (Ireland) Act, 1870, Section 26 Of Persons being out at Night under suspicious circumstances, con¬ trary to Section 23--------Strangers, &c. 
failing to account satisfactorily for themselves, con¬ trary to Section 25 ---------

every District Witnesses, bound by Recognizances,absconding contrary to Section 38 

Total Arrests ---

Number of Arrests. 

280 9 9 

56 218 154 

6 732 Constabulary Office, Dublin Castle, 

14 June 1873. 

Stewart Wood, Inspector General of the Royal Irish Constabulary, 207—1.