Return of Poor Persons removed from England, Wales and Scotland to Ireland, 1867-69; Correspondence relating to Cases of Removal referred to in Annual Reports of Irish Poor Law Commissioners, and Cases of Elizabeth Finn, Mary Barry and Mary Horigan

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V O 0 R R K M 0 V A. 

HETUllN to tin Order of tho Honourable Tho IIoubo of Commons, 

datml <j.l 
May 1870 \~for, 

BETH UN u' of all L'ooh Pkuhonm Removed from England and Fa/<y to Ireland, and 

a similar Uktuun of those Removed from Scotland to Ireland, from tho 1st day of January 18(57 to tho 31 st day of Deeemhcr 1809 : 


"And, Copy of ilia Cmuuwi'ONDKNOie relating to any Cases of Removal from En (/land and Wales to Ireland, which arc referred to in tho Annual llcports of tho Irish Poor Law Commissioners sinee the Iwt day of January 1867, and the Coniu«]Kl'OW>E"NUK in reference to the Canon of Elizabeth Finn and Mary Barry, referred to in the ComniirtBionora' B-eporfc of 1866, and that in reference to the Case of Mary I font/an and her Four Children, Kcmoved from Greenwich to the Skibhcrcen Union, m the County of Cork, in the Year 1867." 

Poor Law Board,"! 

PEEL, 9 August 1870. 


{Ab\ Downing,") 

Ordered, by Tho House of Commons, to he Printed, 

14 February 1871. 
