Bill to assimilate Law for Relief of Poor in Ireland to that of England by substituting Union Rating for present System of Rating by Electoral Divisions

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[34 Vict.] TJnion Beating {Ireland).




Assimilate the Law for the Rehef of the Poor in Ireland to that a.d. 187i.
of England by substituting Union Rating for the present '
system of rating by electoral divisions.

WHEREAS it is expedient to amend the law of rating and
chargeability in poor law unions in Ireland:

Be it enacted by the Qtieen's most Excellent Majesty, hy and
with the adyice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal,
5 and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the
authority of the same, as follows:

1. That from and after the tioenty-ninth day of September one Repeal of
thousand eight htmdred and seventy-one, so mach of every Act
contained in the schedule to this Act annexed as authorizes the separate

10 making of separate rates on the electoral divisions of poor law on^eleTtoral
unions in Ireland, and so much thereof as provides for the charging divisions oi"
of the expenses or sums of money incurred or expended in the
relief of the poor, or in carrying into execution or for any other
pm'poses in the said Acts mentioned and provided for, to one or
15 more of the electoral divisions of any imion, or on the rates of
any one or more of such electoral divisions, shall be and the same
is hereby repealed.

2. Erom and after the said date, every rate made by the guar- Substitution
dians of the poor for the relief of the poor in Ireland, or for any

20 of the other purposes in the said Acts provided for, shall be made
ripon all the hereditaments situate in the said union and rateable
under the said Acts or any of them, and thenceforth all expense
inc^u'red by the guardians or their officers in the relief of the pooi',

or in carrying into efPect any other of the said purposes, shall be
25 charged to the whole union and on the rates made thereon, as
herein-before provided.

3. And whereas hy an Act passed in the thhteenth year of Her Provision as
Majesty, intituled " An Act to provide for the collection of rates estimSe"^

[Bill 18.