Bill to amend Thirty-second Section of Irish Church Act, 1869

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134 & 35 Vict.] Irish Church Act (1869) Amendment.



Amend the Thirty-second Section of the Irish Church Act, a.d. 187i.


WHEREAS it is expedient to amend tlie thirty-second section. 32 & 33 Vict,
of the Irish Church Act, 1869 :

Be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and
with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal,
5 and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the
authority of the same, as follows :

1. The Commissioners of Church Temporalities in Ireland may, Sale of tithe
at any time within three years after the passing of this Act, sell any rentcharge
r entcharge in lieu of tithes rested in them under this Act to the of land.

10 owner of the land charged therewith, in consideration of a sum
equal to twenty times the amount of such rentcharge, less such
sum in the poimd as such owner shall be ascertained by the Com¬
missioners to have been on an average of five years preceding the
first day of January one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one,
15 e ntitled to deduct for poor rates from the tithe rentcharge payable
by him.

2. This Act shall be construed as part of the Irish Church Act, Construction
1869. of

[Bill 2M.