Bill for Registration of Births and Deaths in Ireland

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Births and Deaths Registration (Ireland) Bill.




Short Title; Sect. 1.

Act to extend to Ireland only, except, &c.; 2.
Interpretation Clause; 3.

Part I.

Registrar General.

General Register Office to be provided; Registrar General to be
appointed; 4.

Seal to be provided, and certified Copies given at General Register

Office to be sealed therewith; 5.

Registrar General may alter Forms ; 6.

Officers, Clerks, and Servants to be appointed; 7-
Salary of Registrar General to be increased, and to include Remu¬
neration for all public Duties performed by him; 8.

Salaries to be paid out of Monies provided by Parliament; 9-
Assistant Registrar General may be appointed ; 10.

Regulations to be made for Management of Office and Duties of
Officers; 11.

Registrar General to furnish to Boards of Guardians Notices setting

forth Acts required to be done under this Act; 12.

Fees received by Registrar General to be paid into Bank of Ireland

to Credit of Exchequer; 13.

Certain Appointments to be exempt from Stamp Duties ; 14.

Supply of Books and Boxes.

Iron Boxes for Register Books to be provided; 15.

Register Books to be provided; 16.

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