Return of Number of Paupers relieved in certain Unions in Ireland, 1853-55

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RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, 

dated 6 March 1856;-^, 

RETURN " showing the Number of Paupers Relieved in the Fifty-one 

Unions referred to in Parliamentary Paper, No. 
of Session 1855, Pages 18 and 19 ; the Expenditure incurred for the Maintenance, &c3 of such Paupers; the Salaries and Rations of the Officers (except Medical Officers), and all other Establishment Charges of such Unions, for the Years ending the 29th day of September 1854 and 1855 respectively." 

Poor Law Commission Office,! 
STANLEY, Dublin, 1 April 1856. 
j Secretary. 


Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 

8 April 1856.