Bill to amend Laws relating to Burial of Dead in Ireland

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Burial Grounds (Ireland) Bill.


Short Title; Sect. L

Interpretation of Terms ; 2.

Burial Boards to carry Act into execution; 3.

Board of Guardians to be subject to Control of Poor Law Com¬
missioners ; 4.

On Representation duly made to him, Lord Lieutenant in Council
may restrain the opening of new Burial Grounds, and order Discon¬
tinuance of Burials in specified Places ; 5.

Lord Lieutenant in Council may postpone Order for Discontinuance
of Burials; 6.

Penalty on Persons. burying contrary to the Provisions of Orders in
Council,;- 7-.

Saving of.certain Rights to burj' in Vaults; 8.

New Burial Grounds not to be opened contrary to Order in Council;


No Corpse to be buried itnless at a certaiji Depth beneath the
Ground; 10.

Upon Requisition of Ratepayers or Members of Burial Board, Meeting
of Board to be convened, to determine whether Burial Ground shall
be provided; 11.

When Burial Grounds are closed by Order in Council, Board to pro¬
vide suitable Burial Grounds, &c.; 12.

Consent of Owners of Houses to new Burial Grounds when neces¬
sary; 13.

Board may purchase Land for Cemeteries, or contract Avith Cemetery
Companies; 14.

Certain Provisions of 8 Yict. c. 18. incorporated with this Act; 15.

Liabilities of old Burial Grounds transferred to new Burial Grounds ;

Management to be vested in Burial Boards ; 17.

[Bill 8.] a Board