Return of Number of Irish Poor removed from Parish of Liverpool to Ireland, 1849-54

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RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, 

dated 28 June 1854;—for, RETURN "of the Number of Irish Poor removed fiom the Parish ofLiceipool to L eland, distinguishing the Ports to which such Paupers were removed, in each Month since the Month of January 1849, with a Statement of the Cost of such Removals in each Year during that Period." 
Poor Law Board, Whitehall,'! 

13 July 1854. 



The Poor Law Board to the Vestry Clerk of Liverpool. 
Sir, Poor Law Board, Whitehall, 29 June 1854. 
I am directed by the Poor Law Board to request that you will have the goodness to supply them with the information required, to enable them to make a return to the House of Commons, pursuant to an Order, a copy of which is sent to you herewith, *'Of the siumber of Irish poor removed from the parish of Liverpool to Ireland, distinguishing the ports to which such paupers were removed, in each month since the month of January 1849., 
with a statement of the cost of such removals in each year during that period." 
To Charles Hart, Esq., 
Vestry Clerk, 


I am, &e. 
(signed) Courtenay, 

The Vestry Clerk of Liverpool to the Poor Law Board. 
My Lords and Gentlemen, Liverpool, 8 July 1854. 
In compliance with your letter dated the 29th ultimo, 1 have the honour to forward you a return ordered by the House of Commons, " Of the number of Irish poor removed from the parish of Liverpool to Ireland, distinguishing1 the ports to which such paupers were removed, in each month since the month of January 1849, with a statement of the cost of such removals in each year during that period." 

I have, &,c. 
To the Poor Law Board, Whitehall,! 
(signed) Charles Hart. 


Parish op Liverpool. 
BETURN of the Number of Irish Poor removed from the Parish of Liverpool to Ireland, distinguishing the Ports to which such Paupers were removed, in each Month since the Month of January 1849, with a Statement of the Cost of such Removals during that Period. 

-Total Cost .9 
3 s R 

d Ja a 

63 25 

30 17 


27 35 

Us "S 3 a 

21 21 

d .SP 
55 14 8 

8 O 

14 9 


14 11 

Loadondei 3 

O Oh 

"a if 0 1 t* 

S 3 

Number Passed. 


of Removal. 
From 1 to 31 Jan. 
1849 „ 1 to 28 Feb. 


Jboth in-1 ^elusive -/ 354 


14 2 

3 2 I 

3 1 




7t 1 to 31 Mar. 
)) 7} 543 95 33 39 28 9 9 3 14 1 --

_ 774 it 1 to 30 April )} » 605 89 39 36 36 7 13 9 3 5 --

-842 a 1 to 31 May >} 11 548 84 45 39 35 10 10 11 4 2 -~ 

-788 7} 1 to 30 June 

n V 750 84 38 30 43 8 3 15 9 -~ -

_ 980 J> 1 to 31 July jj ?? 
720 86 41 39 33 3 13 9 9 6 ---959 7) 1 to 31 Aug. 
w n 625 75 45 34 44 4 8 7 5 12 ---859 « 1 to 30 Sept, >} ?? 
777 153 54 27 5 3 9 2 3 1 -1 -1,035 ?> 
1 to 31 Oct. 
yi 787 124 56 26 15 6 5 7 8 4 --1,038 jj 1 to 30 Nov. 
j> » 469 97 38 41 19 25 6 13 5 ----713 }? 
1 to 31 Dec. 
jj 11 256 24 18 26 24 12 27 27 1 1 1 -

-417 6,749 999 454 399 324 109 126 128 77 { 37 | 2 5 -9,409 | 


2,519 5 5 (continued)