Return of Dates of Rates made in Unions in Ireland, which included Consolidated Annuities

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RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, 

dated 14 June i853;-^/br, 

A RETURN " of Dates of the Rates made in each Union in Ireland, which included 

ihe Consolidated Annuities due on or previous to the 30th day of September 1851:" 

" Similar RETURN in respect of Rates which include Consolidated Annuities, due on or 

previous to the 30th day of September 1852 :" 

*' RETURNS, specifying the Unions, if any, in which, in each Year, no Provision has 

been made in their Rates for the Consolidated Annuities:" 

*e And, specifying the Unions in which no Rates for general Purposes have been struck 

since the 30th day of September 1852." 

Poor Law Commission, Dublin, 1 W. 

fi July 1853. 
J Secretary* 

{Sir Denham Norreys.) 

Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 

14 July 1853. 
