Return of number of paupers in receipt of relief in Ireland, January 1852 and 1853

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RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, 

dated 7 March iB^i—for, 

SUMMARIES " of Returns, showing, by Counties, the Total Number of Paupers (In-door and Out-door) in receipt of Relief on the 1st day of January 1852 and the 1st day of January 1853, in the Unions in Ireland, specifying the Increase or Decrease in the latter as compared with the former Period (in the same Form as Parliamentary Paper, No. 
135, of Session 1853):" 

" Of Returns, showing the Number of Adult Able-bodied Paupers (Male and Female), 

exclusive of Vagrants, in receipt of Relief on the 1st day of January 1852 and the 1st day of January 1853, in the Unions in Ireland, showing the Increase in the latter as compared with the former Period (in the same Form as Parliamentary Paper, No. 
135, of Session 1853):" 

" And, Return showing the Number of Adult Able-bodied Paupers Relieved in all 

the Unions in Ireland on the 1st day of January 1852 and the 1st day of January 1S53, comprised in the Return No. 
2, but classed according to the Causes of Relief; showing for Out-door Poor, 1. 
The Number of Persons permanently disabled from Labour by reason of Old Age, Infirmity, or Bodily or Mental Defect; 2. 
By Widows having Two or more Legitimate Children dependent on them ; 3. 
Persons being disabled from Labour by reason of Severe Sickness or Serious Accident; and for In-door Poor, 1. 
Married Couples, distinguishing Males and Females; 2. 
Other Males; 3. 
Other Females; with Totals." 

Poor Law Commission Office, Dublin,\ 

W-STANLEY, 18 April!853. 


(Sir Robert Ferguson.) 

Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Piinted, 

22 April 1853-
