Return of average prices of wheat and oats in Ireland, 1839-51

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RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, 

dated 28 March 1851 \—for, RETURNS "of the Average Prices of Wheat and Oats per Barrel, calculated upon the Returns advertised in the ' Dublin Gazette,' for each Year ending the 1st day of May since 1839:" " And of the Average Prices of Wheat and Oats per Barrel, calculated on the same Returns for the Period of Seven Years immediately preceding each 1st day of May since 1839." 

Ordered, by The House of Common*, to be Printed, 23 May 1851. 
RETURN of the Average Prices of Wheat and Oats per Barrel, calculated upon the Returns advertised in the " Dublin Gazette," for each Year ending the 1st day of May since 1839. 


From 1st May 1839 to 1st May 1840 -39 8 16 4 

„ 1st May 1840 to 1st May 1841 -33 1 13 9 

„ 1st May 1841 to 1st May 1842 -30 9 12 -

„ 1st May 1842 to 1st May 1843 -27 5 11 3 


1st May 1843 to 1st May 1844 -29 4 9 9 

„ 1st May 1844 to 1st May 1845--26 2 11 1 

„ 1st May 1845 to 1st May 1846 -29 1 13 5 

„ 1st May 1846 to 1st May 1847 ----37 5 18 7 

„ 1st May 1847 to 1st May 1848 -31 3 14 6 

„ 1st May 1848 to 1st May 1849 -28 2 11 5 


1st May 1849 to 1st May 1850 -21 9 10 7 


1st May 1850 to 1st May 1851 -22 6 10 -

RETURN of the Average Prices of Wheat and Oats per Barrel, calculated on the above Return, for the Period of Seven Years immediately preceding each 1st day of May since 1839. 


30 9 

s, d. 
12 8 

(signed) Thomas Arkins, Sword Bearer and Clerk of Corn Take, Borough of Dublin. 