Return of outrages reported to Constabulary Office in Ireland, 1846

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RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons,-

dated 22 January 1847;—;for, 

A RETURN " of Outrages Specially Reported to the Constabulary OrncE, in Ireland, from the 1st day of January 1846 to the 1st day of January 1847.—(In 
continuation of Parliamentary Paper, No. 
356, of Session 1846.)" 

No, II. 
A RETURN " of all Murders that have been Committed in Ireland, in each Month of the Year 1846, specifying the County in which such Murder has been Committed, and the Name and Con¬ dition of the Person so Murdered.—{In 
continuation of Parliamentary Paper, No. 
220, of Session 1846.)" 

Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 24 February 1847. 

RETURN of Outrages Specially Reported to the Constabulary Office, in Ireland, from the 

1st day of January 1846 to the 1st day of January 1847. 

Offences against the Person • 

Homicide -

Firing at the person -

Conspiracy to murder Administering poison -Rape -

Assault, with intent to commit a rape Infanticide . 

Abduction -----

Assault on police -

Aggravated assault -

Assault, endangering life Assault, with intent to rob -

Assault on bailiffs, or process servers Cutting or maiming the person -

Desertion of children -

Concealing birth -

Assault -----

Unnatural crime -

OrrENCES against Property : Burglary and house-breaking Highway robbery -

Robbery -

Taking and holding forcible possession Cattle stealing -Illegal shearing -

Killing or maiming cattle -

Sacrilege -----

Plundering wrecks -

Piracy -Obstructing tho transit of provisions Plundering provisions Levying contributions 

176 158 6 1 105 49 100 18 83 604 290 28 8 49 147 66 34 1 

813 258 534 20 3,025 88 287 15 2 1 35 416 176 

Offences against the Public 

Peace : 

Incendiary fire -

Demand or robbery of arms Appearing armed Faction fight, and party fight Riots and affrays Administering unlawful oaths Threatening notices or letters Pound breach -Turning up land Attacking houses Rescuing prisoners Resistance to legal profess -Illegal meetings or processions Levelling -

Injury to property Firing into dwellings Injury to places of worship Party demonstration -

Intimidation -

Other Otfences : 

Combination -

Coining and uttering base coin -

Prison breaking and aiding escape prisoners -Forgery, or passing forged notes Illegal celebration of marriage 

Total * -





















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