Abstract Return of Poor Rates and Expenditure of Poor Law Unions in Ireland, 1847-48

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RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, 

dated 2 June 1848;—^for, 

RETURNS "of each Poor Law Union in Ireland, specifying the Name of each 

Electoral Division, and the Valuation thereof; the Total Amount per Pound on the Valuation, of the Rates made for each such Division during the Year ended the 25th day of March 1848; the Amount to be collected by such Rates (not including* previous Arrears); and the Amount actually collected (including previous Arrears) to the 25th day of March 1848 :" 

" Of each Poor Law Union in Ireland, specifying the Liabilities of such Union, on 

the 25th day of March 1847; the Expenses of the Year ended the 25th day of March 1848; the Total Expenses and Liabilities; the Amount in the Treasurer's Hands on the 25th day of March 1847; the Amount actually collected during the Year ended the 25th day of March 1848 ; the Amount received from all other Sources during the Year ended the 25th day of March 1848; the Amount available for Expenses and Liabilities during the Year ended the 25th day of March 1848 ; the Excess of Assets over Liabilities; the Excess of Liabilities over Assets; the Amount of Rates Uncollected on the 25th day of March 1848 :" 

" And, of each County, County of a City, and County of a Town in Ireland, specifying 

the Name of each Barony or Half-barony, and the Poor Law Valuation thereof; the present Half-yearly Liabilities of each such Barony or Half-barony, or of the County at large^-Cor Repayment of any Advances from the Treasury (except under the Temporary T^|lief Act of 1847), during the Years 1845, 1846 and 1847, distinguishing the Acts under which the Advances were made, the Total Amount of such Liabilities, and the Rate per Pound on the Valuation." 


Ordered, by The House&f Commons, to be Printed, 

28 Mmist 1848.