Return of Number of Students in Roman Catholic College of Maynooth, 1840-42

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RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons,

dated 2 May 1B43 ;—^or,

A RETURN of the Number of Students in the Roman Catholic College at
Maynooth, during the Years 1840, 1841, and 1842; also the Number of
Professors at present employed therein, with their respective Salaries
and Emoluments.

Ordered, by The House of Commons, to he Printed, 19 May 1843.

A RETURN of the Number of Students in the Roman Catholic College at
Mayyiooth, during the Years 1840, 1841, and 1842; also the Number of
Professors at present employed therein, with their respective Salaries
and Emoluments.

The number of Students in the Roman Catholic College

at Maynooth, in the year 1840, was - - - - 437

In the year 1841 427

In the year 1842 . _ . _ . _ _ 425

There are at present employed, in the government and general administra¬
tion of the Roman Catholic College :—


A President, with a salary of - - - - - 326
A Vice-President, who is also Bursar - - - - 200
A Senior Dean ------- - 122

Two Junior Deans, each - 112

There are also eleven Professors, with the following Salaries ;—

One Professor, being also Librarian - - - - 142
Four others, each - - - - - - - 122
Six others, each - - - - - - - 112

No Master in the College has any emoluments but his salary, board, and
apartments. The Professors have only the same emoluments with the other
Masters—salaries, board, and apartments.

.6 May 1843. Michael Montague, President.