Return of Sums in hands of Board of Charitable Bequests in Ireland

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RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, 

dated l June 1837;—for, A RETURN of the Sums of Money now in the hands of the Board of Charitable Bequests in Ibeland; specifying the exact Amount invested in the different Stocks or otherwise, and the Amount deducted, as Treasurer's Commission, from the Interest and Dividends upon each particular Stock or other Investment, and by what Authority such Deductions were made:—Of the Annual Amount of Rents (distinguishing from what source they respectively proceed), Annuities, Rent Charges and other Annual Receipts, not embraced by the previous Return, and the Amount of Commission deducted therefrom as Treasurer's Commission :—Of all fixed Deductions made from Charity Property, Principal or Income, by virtue of any Order of the Board of Cha¬ ritable Bequests, or otherwise, sanctioned by the Board :—Of the Number of Orders made by the Board of Charitable Bequests since its establishment; stating when the Orders calling for Returns of Charitable Bequests, and requesting Statements of any withheld, concealed or misapplied Charitable Donations and Bequests to be forwarded to the Board, were first issued, and how and at what periods the Forms of Return are circulated by the Board :—Of the Number of Forms of " Return of Charitable Donations and Bequests," which have been issued by the Board of Charitable Bequests, the Number or such Returns which have been perfected and forwarded to the Board, stating the Gross Amount of the Principal and Interest of the Charity Funds in each Parish or Union in Ireland, from which such Returns have been made, with the Rental or Income from Land or other Property, not consisting of Money, specified in such Returns ; and the present state of Proceedings, and when Proceedings commenced in each case instituted by the said Board, for the Recovery of any Sums applicable to the Poor, or to Charitable Institutions. 

[This Return is perfect, save as to the present state of Proceedings and when Proceedings com¬ menced, in each case instituted by the Board, for the recovery of any Sums applicable to the Poor or to Charitable Institutions, which the Solicitors to the Board state could not be made in the time, but will be furnished with the least possible delay.] 

(Lord Viscount Morpeth?) 

Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 

5 July 1837. 
