Bill to encourage and facilitate Purchase of Perpetuities by Lessees of Church Lands in Ireland

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16 July 1838.—2 



T J j Jj -JwL-^»H , ii<M -,.,ffll.,. 

To encourage and facilitate the Purchase of Perpetuities by 

the Lessees of Church Lands in Ireland. 

Words printed in Italics are proposed to be inserted 

in the Committee.] 

'^Gl:3R(M&» an Act was passed in the third and fourth years Preamble. 
of the reign of his late Majesty, intituled, " An Act to alter and amend the Laws relating to the Temporalities of the Church in Ireland," which Act has been amended by two Acts passed respectively 5 in the fourth and fifth and sixth and seventh years of the reign of his 

said late Majesty: And whereas by the said Acts the Tenants or Lessees of the lands of Archbishops or Bishops and other sole Ecclesiastical Corporations in Ireland, and also the Tenants or Lessees of lands vested in the 10 Ecclesiastical Commissioners for Ireland under the provisions of the 

said Acts, are empowered to purchase the fee-simple and inheritance of and in the lands, premises or hereditaments so held by them, in the manner and subject to the perpetual annual rents, and to the provisoes, restrictions, regulations and conditions in the said Acts mentioned, 15 paying to the said Ecclesiastical Commissioners for such purchase such 

sum of money as shall be ascertained, agreed or adjudged in manner' by the said Acts directed to be the proper amount of purchase-money payable in each such case: 

And whereas it is by the said Acts further enacted, that in case 20 any such Tenant making such purchase shall be unwilling or unable 

to pay such purchase-money, it shall be lawful for such Tenant (in lieu of paying the same), to mortgage the lands and premises so held by 595--
