Correspondence relative to the collection of tithes payable to the Reverend Thomas Locke in the county of Limerick

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RETURN to an Address of the Honourable The House of Commons,

dated 6 March 1835;—^or,


COPY of the Correspondence between the Reverend Thomas Locke,
Rector of Newcastle, in the County of Limerick, and the Chief or
Under Secretary for Ireland, from the Month of February 1834 to the
present time, relative to the Collection of Tithes payable to
Mr. Locke; and also of any Correspondence on that subject
during the same period between the Chief or Under Secretary for
Ireland and the Commander of the Forces, or any Magistrate or
Officers of Police in the Limerick District.

(True Copies)

Dublin Castle. Wm GOSSET.

SIR, Newcastle, 22d March 1834.

Having solicited Government, so far back as August' and September 1832, for
aid in the collection of my tithes, and the authorities having accordingly been
directed to afford every assistance, I thereupon applied to the magistrates resident
in the neighbourhood, every one of whom successively declined to attend, although
this town is a military and police station, and the nearest part of the parish not one
mile distant from the town. Notwithstanding offers of large abatement, and my
patience and forbearance ever since the above-mentioned period, the parishioners
still obstinately refuse to pay, and I cannot procure persons to endanger their lives
in serving legal orders and distraining the lands, without the protection of the civil
and military powers.

I humbly pray that effective aid may be granted to me in this emergency, to
enable me to collect my tithes, the greater part of which is due under notes and

Some untoward circumstances rendered my application too late under the Relief
Bill, which I should be thankful to accept.

I have, &c.

The Right Hon. E. J. Littleton, (signed) Thomas Locke,

London. Incumbent of Mahoonagh, Diocese of Limerick.

Sir, Dublin Castle, 2gth March 1834.

In forwarding to you the accompanying letter from the Rev. Mr. Locke, I am
to signify the Lord Lieutenant's desire that you will communicate with Mr. Locke,
afford a sufficient force to preserve the peace when he may proceed in the
collection of his tithes.

flease to return the enclosures.

I have, &c.

J- P. Vokes, Esq., Limerick. (signed) William Gosset.

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