Select Committee on Orange Lodges, Associations or Societies in Ireland: report, minutes of evidence and appendix

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Resolved, That the above names having been forwarded to the district of Dublin, with a
view of ascertaining whether they were names of persons belonging to any of the lodges
vvitliin the Dublin district; and it having been reported to us that the above-named persons
were not members of any lodge wiihin said district, and other necessary inquiries having
been made, we feel authorized in peremptorily stating that said individuals are not mem¬
bers of the Orange institution.

Resolved, That haviiig observed in ihe public prints a statement alleged to have been
made by an individual named George Tickell, who was represented as taking an active part
at an anti-union meeting, that he the said George Tickell was an Orangeman, and member
of Lodge 497, and reference having been made through the county grand secretary to said
lodge, we are enabled to state, that the said George Tickell is not and never was a member
of said lodge, and that we consequently have no doubt that said George Tickell is no mem¬
ber of this institution.

Resolved, That the above are the only persons alleged to be Orangemen who have taken
a part at anti-union meetings, who have been mentioned by name.

Resolved, That having learned, not indeed with surprise, but with great disgust, the asser¬
tion so recklessly put forward by the demagogues, that the loyal members of our institution
joined in the late procession which took place in the City of Dublin in honour of Mr.
O'Connell, we, the committee of the grand lodge of Ireland, deny with scorn the unworthy
imputation. We deny that any of our members attended said procession or processions.
We defy those who have made the assertion to mention the name of even one Orangeman
who attended it; and we pledge ourselves, if they can do so with truth, to make a public
admission of the fact.

Resolved, That the basis of this institution being loyaltj' to our King and attachment to
the law, and having received authorized assurajices thai the law will be impartially admi¬
nistered, and its protection afforded to all classes of His Majesty's Irish subjects, we have
no hesitation in advising our brethren in all parts of Ireland to come forward, and pass
resolutions declaratory of their determination to uphold the law against demagogues and
agitators, and put down thereby the attempt which is now making to carry a measure
which, ultimately, must lead to the extinction of the Protestant name and race in Ireland.

Resolved, That the D. G. S. be ordered to desire the county secretaries to send their
resolutions to this committee, and that as it is an object to publish the resolutions of all
counties on the same day, that it is deemed expedient that no county should publish its
resolutions till all the counties publish together.

Resolved, that the D. G. S. be directed to draw up a letter to the county secretaries,
informing them of the above resolution.

Moved by W. R.Ward, andlp , 6 January 1831.

Seconded by H. R. Baker: J

Resolved, That on due consideration, we are of opinion, that it would not be desirable to
wait until all counties should pass resolutions with respect to a junction with Papists, but
that as each county pass resolutions, tl)at same be forwarded to this committee for its
approbation, and that, if approved of, then published without delay.

5ih August 1831.

That this committee do adjourn until Tuesday next, at three o'clock, to take into consi¬
deration the propriety of passing resolutions concerning the dismissal of the yeoman who
walked in procession on the i2lh July last, and that the committee be specially aummoned
for that purpose.

ist September 1831.

That Major Brownrigg be expelled from this committee, in consequence of his conduct
at the recent election in Dublin, and that his expulsion from the institution at large be
recommended to the grand lodge of Ireland, and that a copy of this resolution be forwarded
to the King's County grand lodge.

17 th November 1831.

Your committee have received from America the most cheering accounts, and the lodges
now sitting there under your warrants, emulate each other in evincing their gratitude for
the interest taken by you in their welfare.

5th March 1832,

That no warrants in blank could be granted, as required by N. D. Crommelin, forwarding
300 reports of last G. L. meeting; also 100 books of rules and regulations; and that the
rituals would be forwarded to John Cochran, Guilford.

5ih May 1832.

That circulars be forwarded to the several masters of tiie Orange Lodges in Ireland,
requesting them to procure petitions from their several lodges to both Houses of Parliament
against the new Irish education system, also against the Irish Reform Bill, and to forward
them without delay to the Right honourable the Earl of Roden, House of Lords, London,
endorsed " Parliamentary Petition."

2Qth August 1832.

That upon reading the letter of the secretary of the Protestant Conservative Society of
Ireland, that when that society shall have furnished the sccretar)' of the Grand Orange Lodge
of Ireland with the prospectus for the collection of the Protestant National Fund, together
with extracts of Brother Boyton's speech at a meeting of the Conservative Society, expla¬
natory cf the application of the Brunswick Fund, the deputy grand secretary is requested
