Summary of digest of Inquiry into Ecclesiastical Revenues and Patronage in Ireland

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SUMMARIES of the Digest of the Inquiry into the Archiepiscopal and Episcopal Revenues and Patronage in Jre/flwrf:—Prepared under the Authority of His Majesty's Commissioners for inquiring into Ecclesiastical Revenue and Patronage in that part of the United Kingdorn ; 1833. 


(Part I.) 
SUMMARY DIGEST of the Inquiry into the Archiepiscopal and Episcopal 

Revenues in Jre/anrf. 

(Pakt II.) 
SUMMARY DIGEST of the Inquiry into the Archiepiscopal and Episcopal 

Patronage; and the Number and specified Extent of the Tenants' Holdings under the respective Sees: SUMMARY DIGEST of the Inquiry into the Number of the Tenants' Holdings, 

and the Nature and Amount of the Rents payable by the respective Tenants under each See: SUMMARY DIGEST of the Inquiry into the Amount of the Renewal Eines 

payable by the Tenants under the respective Sees: SUMMARY DIGEST of the Inquiry into the Leases for Terms of Yeaes under 

the respective Sees, and the Residue of the several Terms remaining Unexpired on the 29t.l1 
September 1832. 

Orderet, öy The House of Commons, io 6e Prin/ed, 

10 ikffl^ 1833.