Select Committee on Limits of Boroughs of Dungarvan, Youghall, and Mallow: report and minutes of evidence

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THE SELECT COMMITTEE appointed to consider the Report of the Commissioners on the Limits of the Boroughs of Z>wgww», KoagAaW and il/fl/to, and to report their Opinion thereupon to The House :—Have considered the matter to them referred ; and have agreed to the following Report: YOUR Committee recommend that the Limits of the Borough of TowgAfl// 

should be extended somewhat beyond those assigned to it by the Commis-sioners, and that the following should be substituted :— 

From the point to the South of the Town where the New Road to Cork quits the Sea-shore, Northward, in a straight line to a point on the Windmill Lane, where the same is joined by a Bye Road from the North, about 200 yards to the West of the House occupied by Mr. 
Flyn; thence in a straight line to the South-west angle of the Ordnance Ground, on which the Barracks are built; thence along the Western Fence of the Ordnance Ground to the North-west corner thereof; thence, Northward, in a straight line to the spot where the Upper Edge of the Great Quarry is cut by a Road that runs through the same ; thence down the said Road to the point where the same meets the Mount Uniacke, Road; thence, Northward, in a straight line to the point where a Bye Road that leads from the Mount Uniacke Road to the Waterford Road makes a turn almost at right-angles, a little to the South of the House called Eustace's Folly ; thence, Northward, along the same Road^ passing to the West of Eustace's Folly, to the spot where the same Road meet<" the Waterford Road ; thence in a straight line to the nearest point of the Sea 


Coast i thence along the Sea Coast to the point tarst described. 

With respect to Z>M«g/»vo«, it appears that the Commissioners were misinformed as to any distinction existing between the rights of the £.5 
Householders of the Town and of the Manor; and as all Householders to the amount of £,5 throughout the whole of the Manor appear at present to be entitled to vote, Your Committee recommend that the Limits Of the Borough should not be restricted, except so far as to exclude some small portions, which are wholly detached from the remaining part. 
They recommend also that some small portions of Land, altogether inclosed within the present Borough, but respecting the rights of which some doubts exist, should be declared to belong to the New Borough. 

Your Committee have examined into the circumstances of the Town and Neigh-bourhood of iWa/fow, and see no sufficient ground for recommending any alteration in the Limits suggested by the Commissioners. 

23 Jm/j/ 1832.