Bill to amend Acts for Establishment of Compositions for Tithes in Ireland [as amended by Committee]

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3 Jwgwsf 1832. 

fc (Ireland.) 

I [AS AMENDED BY THE COMMITTEE] To amend Three Acts passed respectively in the Fourth, Fifth, and in the Seventh and Eighth Years of the Reign ot his late Majesty King George the Fourth, providing for the establishing of Compositions for Tithes in Ire/and; and to make such Compositions permanent. 
marW (A.) 
#/<y/ (C.) 
a'ere adi/«/ % /Äe 

<2|J22l_t^<-;^*-^^ by an Act passed in the Fourth Year of the Preamble: ' V-iÄfctl' reign of his late Majesty King George the Fourth, intituled, 4Geo.4.c.99. 

" An Act to provide for the establishing of Compositions for Tithes in " /re/and, for a limited time," which Act was afterwards amended by 5 another Act, passed in the Fifth Year ofthe same reign, and both which 5Geo.4.c.63. 

said Acts were afterwards amended by an Act passed in the Seventh c. 
and Eighth Years of the same reign, provision was made for the autho-rizing Compositions to be made for Tithes in Trete-?, 
in those Parishes wherein the Parishioners qualified as in the said Act mentioned, together io with the Ecclesiastical Incumbents, or other persons entitled to Tithes 

therein should mutually consent and agree to establish such Composi-tions : And whereas it is expedient that a fixed and permanent Compo-sition in lieu of Tithes should, with a view to the future commutation thereof, be generally established throughout that portion of the United 15 Kingdom called _Ve/ö«</, and that for such purpose the enactments of 

the said recited Acts should be in some respects modified, and provision made to give effect to the same in cases where they might fail of opera-tion through the default or disagreement of the parties to whom the Option of proceeding thereunder is by the said Acts given ; 31ß(_5 it 20 tBmfotf CtiacteO, by The KING's most Excellent Majesty, by and 

with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, 681. 