Bill to explain Doubts respecting Stamp Duty payable by Freemen of Corporate Towns in Ireland

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24 Ji% 1832. 


BILL To explain doubts that have arisen respecting the Stamp Duty payable by Freemen of Corporations entitled by virtue of Trade and Residence in the Corporate Towns and Counties of Cities and Towns in ire/an</. 

-JJKSWV ^ (£ 3R <£ 2 & an Act was passed in the Parliament of JTrefawrf, Preamble. 
%£ilflPt' in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Years of the reign of his late Majesty King George the Third, whereby a Stamp Duty of Six-pence each was imposed upon the Admissions of all Freemen into Cor-5 porations, whether claiming by Right or Favour, which said Duty was 

increased to One Shilling each by another Statute passed in the Nine-teenth and Twentieth Years of the reign of his said late Majesty, and was further increased to Two Shillings each by a Statute passed in the Thirty-seventh year of his said late Majesty : 

i o And whereas at the time of or immediately before the Legislative 

Union between Grazi JSritaiw and 7re/aW, by a certain other Statute passed in the Parliament of ire/and, in the Fortieth Year of his said late Majesty King George the Third, the Duty payable on the Admis-sion of all Freemen into any Corporation or Company in Zre/awJ, whe-J 5 ther entitled by Right or Favour, was fixed and settled at Ten Shillings 

each : 

And whereas by an Act passed in the Fifty-sixth year of his said late Majesty King Geokge the Third, intituled, " An Act to 

" repeal the several Stamp Duties in ire/««</, and also several Acts 

" for the Collection and Management of the said Duties, and to grant 

