Bill to repeal Act of Parliament of Ireland for uniting Parishes, and building Parish Churches in Diocese of Elphin

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25 1% 1829. 


B To repeal an Act of the Parliament of Zre/awc?, 
of the Ninth Year of the Reign of Queen ^4«we, for uniting several Parishes, and building several Parish Churches in more convenient places, so far as relates to the Parishes of Om/* and Dmmtfemp/e, in the Diocess of .E/p/rä. 





' ^ (ß Ifl (£# & an Act was passed in the Parliament of /re/ßwrf, penible = 

in the ninth year of the reign of Queen ^4««e, intituled, 9 Anne, c. 
" An Act for uniting several Parishes, and building several Parish " Churches in more convenient places;" whereby, after reciting that the parishes of Oraw and Z)rarato«p/e, in the diocess of .E/pÄw, 
were fit to be united, and that the ancient church of Or««, within the said parish of Ora«, was conveniently situated for the parishioners of the said parishes to repair unto, were the same rebuilt, it was enacted, That it should and might be lawful to and for the bishop of the said diocess, with the approbation of the archbishop of the province, and the consent of the respective patrons, incumbents, and the major part of the inhabitants of the said parishes, to order the Church to be rebuilt at Orß«, in the said parish of Oraw, and to unite the said parishes of 0r«w and 7Jr«??2/e»?j9/e, 
and that the said parishes so united should be called by the name of the parish of Oraw, and that the inhabitants of the said united parish should from time to time be liable to and chargeable with building and keeping in repair the said Church of Orö«, which was for ever to be deemed and taken to be one parish to all intents and purposes whatsoever: And whereas after the passing of the said Act the said parishes of Ora» and DrMWfewzp/e were episcopally united with three other parishes, 373.