Bill to prevent Episcopal Unions [of Benefices] in Ireland, and restrain Granting of Dispensations

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22 ikfarcÄ 1826. 


BILL To prevent Episcopal Unions in ir£?/öw</, 

restrain the granting of Dispensations. 

|J dB 1R d; & & it is expedient to take away from the Arch-bishops and Bishops of /re/awö?, 
the power to unite pro Äac üi'ce, two or more Benefices in that Kingdom ; and to restrain the granting Dispensations to hold together Benefices above a certain 

r Value; _15(_5 it tgerefottf ^ttacteti by the KING's most Excellent 

Majesty, by and with the advice and consent ofthe Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, THAT from and after 

it shall not be lawful for io any Archbishop or Bishop to unite pro Äac i>«ce, any two or more 

Benefices in /re/awof. 


Benefices not to be united. 



And be it further Enacted, That it shall not be lawful from and Spiritual Per-aftpr fnr *°"* holding *"^ 101 

jBe„eficesof any Spiritual Person holding any Benefice with eure of souls, of the * certain 

^ ^ o ./ 
Value, not to annual Value of per annum or accept an-upwards, to accept and take, with or without dispensation, any other fice. 
Benefice whatever; and that if any Spiritual Person holding any Benefice of the annual Value of per annum, shall, after the passing of this Act, become in any manner entitled to, or in the enjoyment of another Benefice, whether by Institution and induetion, collation, donation or licence, the Benefice by him first held shall become zp.yo/öcfo 
void, as if the same had become vacant by the natural death of such Spiritual Person. 
