The Elliot for Charlestown , South Carolina, America.

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Document ID 9311558
Date 10-04-1773
Document Type Newspapers (Shipping Advertisements)
Archive Central Library, Belfast
Citation The Elliot for Charlestown , South Carolina, America.;The Belfast News Letter, Friday, April 24, 1773.; CMSIED 9311558


     THE ELLIOT, of Newry, Burthen 300 Tons, John Waring,
Master, will be clear to sail from Newry the 25th of May.
Passengers, Redemptioners, and Servants, are desired to apply
immediately to THomas Waring, Merchant in Newry, or to the
Master at Mr. Robert Armstrong's either of whom will agree
with those applying on the easiest of Terms, and satisfy the
respecting the good Treatment which they may expect on the
                                 Newry, 10th April, 1773

N.B. The ELLIOT is accounted the fasted sailing Vessel
belonging to Ireland.

Friday 28th May, 1773.

     At the request of sundry Passengers the sailing of the
above Ship is put off until the 6th of June.  It is requested
that all Passengers who intend going in her will be in Newry at
least two days before, in order to settle for their Passage, to
prevent any disappointment.

                           Newry, 19th May, 1773.