Papers relating to Established Church in Ireland

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tor Province of Leikstxr. 

4-Number of CH'JKCHES; Whether in Repair, and 

in whkh Pariihes they ftand. 

One Church, in repair, in the panlh of Killi-urin. 

No Church. 

5-GLEBE HOUSES; In what Pariih ;—what Glebe Lands ;—-

Whether contiguous; or How far removed from each other, and from the Church, 

or Site of oid Church. 

One Glebe 

, contiguous to the church, zo acres ; Giebe Houfe newly erefted. 

CPRATiS Salaries in Caies of permitted 

Non-Rcfidence of the 

Incumbents j and whether R-fidept or not. 

No Curate. 

One Church, in repair; __nds 111 the pariih o: dorctown. 

Glebe Land; 12 acres contiguous to the fite of the old church; a new Glebe Houfe erefted) thereon. 

No Curate. 

No Glebe Houfe. 
No Glebe Land:. 

One Church, in repair, in the. 
parifh of St. 
James's, alus B-al.y 

LIVINGS of a Value too fniail to afford Comfort 

to the Incumbents. 

No (, urate. 

No Glebe Houfe. 
No Glebe Lands. 

One Church, in repair. 

One Church, in re-pair, in the parifh of Kilmuckridge. 

cf Inch; 'alue^.24. 
9*-nrf-Iiilcowacimore, a lay impiopriation; '.he 
J mpropnator p<iys only £. 
for the duties of thefe two parifhes. 

No Curate. 

No Glebe Houfe. 
No Glebe Lands. 

No Glebe Houfe; one glebe in the pariih of Mille-nagh, 19 acres. 

One Church, in re-pair, in pariih of Kil-pipe. 

Two Churches, in re pair, one at Ardsrmine, one at Donaghmore. 

One Glebe in the parifh of Killinor, 15 acres ; on it is a houfe newly built, in which the Vicar refides, about four miles from the church of Kil pipe. 

No Curate. 

The three impro-priate Cures have never received more than£. 
annually from the Impropri-ator, which is now withdrawn. 

Browne i-s to be appointed for the Union. 

No Curate. 

No Glebe. 
No Glebe Houfe. 

One Church, in re-pair, in the parifh of Tintern. 

No Glebe Houfe. 
No Glebe Lands, 

No Curate. 

W" Archdall; re-fides in Tintern; Salary £.50. 

Impropriate Cure of Kilmuckridge, £. 
per ann. 

For thefe four parifhes, in which there are 2 churches about three miles diftant, is allowed" only £.46. 
by the Impropriator; of courfe the duty ia very imperfectly dif-charged. 
The Impropria-tor pays to the Rev-. 
Sutton £. 
the Truilef s of Firft Fruits £ 40,; the whole only