Annual report of the Local Government Board for Ireland, for the year 1914-15

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Local Government (Ireland) Acts. 

County Surveyors. 
An examination of candidates for vacancies in the office of County Surveyor in Longford, Queen's and Waterford Counties was held during the year by the Civil Service Commissioners, and we approved of the appointment to the vacant positions of candidates who passed this examination. 
A vacancy arising in the County of Kildare was filled by the appointment of an exist¬ ing County Surveyor, who had previously passed the Civil Service examination. 
Extension of time for payment of Accounts.—Section 
51 (7) of 

the Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898, and Section 4 of the Local Government (Ireland.) 
Act, 1902. 
A slight diminution in the number of applications for exten¬ sions of time for the payment of overdue accounts is noticeable this year as compared with the figures for last year. 
The de¬ crease, however, is not sufficient having regard to the repeated warnings on this subject issued to public bodies and contractors, and, were it not for the abnormal financial conditions prevailing during the latter portion of the year, we would have felt justified in refusing to accede to very many of these applications. 

Alteration of Local Government Areas. 
We mentioned in our last Report that we had made a Provisional Order altering the boundaries of the Counties of Antrim and Londonderry, so as to enable the Municipal area of Portrush to be extended. 
This Order, the first we have made for the alteration of the boundaries of counties under Article 25 (1) of the Schedule to the Local Government (Application of Enactments) Order, 1898, was confirmed by the Local Govern¬ ment Board (Ireland) Provisional Order Confirmation (No. 
3) Act," 1914. 
By the Order so confirmed the townland of Glen-manus and portions of the townlands of Magheramenagh and Corrstown became part ol the administrative County of Antrim, and of the Urban District of Portrush. 
The memorial of the Portrush Urban District Council praying the Antrim County Council to take the necessary steps towards the extension of the Urban District contemplated not only the inclusion of the above mentioned area, originally situate in County Londonderry, but also the inclusion of the townlands of Ballywillan, Meadowparks, and Cloughorr, situate in County Antrim. 
The grant of this latter extension was deferred pending the inclusion of the Londonderry area, but when this matter was finally settled, the Antrim County Council made an Order in pursuance of Article 26 of the Schedule to the Local Govern¬ ment (Application of Enactments) Order, 1898, extending the boundaries of the town of Portrush so "as to include the townland of Meadowparks and a portion of the Townland of Bally willan, the Portrush Urban District Council having agreed to this modi¬ fication of the original proposal. 
Having satisfied ourselves that the requirements of the above Article had been duly carried out,