Educational Endowments (Ireland) Commissioners: first annual report, 1885-86

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430 No. 
(q) See Evidence, p. 
Income and Expenditure with Balance Sheet, for One Year ending 1st May, 1885. 

Appehdix B. 


Last Yeai 1884, May 1. 

£ s. 
567 0 8 97 9 0 1,047 5 0 {li year) 1,661 17 6 2,775 19 11 113 2 0 255 9 7 105 5 10 489 9 2 546 1 11 341 9 2 25 0 0 

68 13 1 8,084 7 10 352 19 9 8,437 7 7 1,189 4 2 9,626 11 9 

Trinity College, Christ's Hospital, King's Hospital, . 

Grammar Schools, . 
English Schools, Harcourt-street Schools . 
Great Brunswick-street Schools, Inspection of Grammar Schools, Inspection of English Schools,. 
Governors' House, 40, Harcourt-st., 
Office Salaries Purchase of Consols, lie Insurance Fund, English Schools. 
Law Costs, ... 
Incidentals, , . 

Transferred to credit of Treasurer's Poundage Fees. 
To Credit of Stock for excess of In¬ come over Expenditure last year. 

£ s. 
609 19 9 97 18 4 668 8 4 2,425 17 7 1,610 4 2 180 3 6 190 10 8 105 18 4 492 11 8 386 5 3 444 16 8 25 0 0 5 0 0 63 5 9 7,312 0 0 249 8 7 7,561 8 7 


7,561 8 7 

Last year. 
1884, May 1. 

£ s. 
5,401 14 9 3,810 11 0 49 1 0 363 11 6 

1 13 6 

Western Estates New Three per Cent. 
Government Stock, for two Half-years' Divi¬ dends to April, 1885. 
Interest on Deposit Receipts, . 

By Stock for excess of Expenditure over Income, 12 months to 1st May, 1885. 

£ s. 
5,005 2 3J 1,645 6 0 42 6 Z 362 0 8 

7 9 10 7,063 5 4J 498 3 2* 

9,626 11 9 7,561 8 7 


£ s. 
£ 8. 
Bank of Ireland, — 566 2 8 Government New Three per Cent. 
12,376 16 7 11,396 16 1 Stock, our Account. 
Account, Lord Redesdale's Charity. 
Da Account, Sarah Stephenson's Legacy. 
Land Improvement Loans (1880), 

553 16 11 572 6 1 125 7 1 125 7 1 

— 1,923 12 3 Consols, Be Insurance Fund, English 186 11 6 187 1 6 

Deposit Account, Bank of Ireland, . 

— 2,000 0 0 Thomas Sanders, Agent, Southern __ 19 3 10 Estates. 
Thomas Sanders, Agent, Western — 6 13 2 Estates. 
Registrar, ... 
36 1 3 

16,833 3 11 

Southern Estates, .... 
Western Estates, Land purchased by Railways, &o., 
Intermediate Education Result Fees, Lord Redesdale's Charity, . 
Sarah Stephenson's Legacy, Board of Public Works, Insurance Fund, Re English Schools, Treasurer's Poundage Fees, Stock, for Net Capital, exclusive of valne of Estates, 

£ s. 
19 3 6 13 4,199 3 103 14 580 1 125 7 1,821 14 189 0 2,719 11 10 7,068 13 5 

16,833 J 11 We have examined the above accounts with the vouchers, and checked them with the ledger, we have also checked the tots, and we find that the expenditure has exceeded the income by £498 3s. 

„ „ —„„„,..rm 
$th July, 188&. 

Beferred to in Mr. 
Anderson's statement, p. 
289, Letter written to Erasmus Smith, Esq_. 

June 7th, 1681. 
Sir,—¥e have received a letter from you dated the 8th Sept. 
last, wherein you give xis notice that you have lately made a conveyance to Christ's Hos¬ pital ia London, of a moiety of the overplus of the profits of tie lands, wherewith we are entrusted remaining after all the charitable use and public pay¬ ments already thereupon shall be discharged. 
And we have also the copy of the said conveyance which you sent over, whereupon some doubts did arise amongst us concerning the validity thereof, and whether you had the power left in you to dispose of any part of the profits of those lands to any charitable uses out of this kingdom. 
The consideration whereof was referred to Mr. 
Solicitor-General who hath re¬ turned unto us a state of the whole matter under his hand (a copy whereof we herewith send you), whereby we are induced to believe that the conveyance made by you doth not oblige us to pay a moiety of those raaaining profits to the said hospital at London. 
Aad indeed we do not apprehend how there can be any such profits of these lands now remaining after ah charitable uses and public payments thereupon are discharged as you seem thereby "to have intended to convey, where there are so many of those uses for which choice lands were at first settled, as yet wholly ^Provided for, the profits hitherto having not been sufficient for allowing any such exhibitions to poor 

scholars in the College here, or for 


placing out apprentices or clothing of poor scholars m the schools erected by you as were intended, and which we conceive ourselves entrusted to see performed. 
And therefore till we shall be better satisfied we conceive that we cannot be faithful to the trusts reposed m us, if we should consent that any of the profits of these lands should go to the uses mentioned in that convey¬ ance, and we are confident that you will not desire ic from us when you shall have considered of the enclosed paper, and how these lands are already settled, and that you will be as unwxllmg bs we, that any of the profits thereof should be diverted to other uses than you designed them for when you first so freely and charitably disposed of them. 
We shall add no more at present, but remain sir, your affec¬ tionate friends. 

(Signed), Enoch Header, Trea¬ 

surer, Narcissus Marsh, Joshua Allen, HlEROME SaNKEY, John Coghill, 

Michael Armagh. 
Medensis, Lanesboro, Wm. 
Davis, John Keating, Henry &len, Richard Renndle. 
John Smith, Langford, To Erasmus Smith, Esq. 

To accompany Sir John Temples draft.