Return of judicial statistics of Ireland, 1863 (part I, police; criminal proceedings; prisons) (part II, common law and equity; civil and canon law)

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XXVll Table 2 gives the number of commitments to county and borough prisons in Ireland Batons. 
in 1863, not including debtors or committals on civil process, as Commitments 

Males, ...... 
19,276 (Table 2, p. 
Females, .... 


34,664 33,940 An important distinction, however, is to be made between the number of commitments and the number of individuals committed, as the same person may be committed oftener than once within the year; and the table indicates accordingly that the number of individuals committed were only— 

Males, ...... 

9',347 Females, Total, 26,637 The following table shows the number of prisoners committed to the several county and borough prisons in Ireland, in 1863, distinguishing the sexes and crimes, with the proportion per cent, of each class to the whole. 


Per-Cenfcage of Total. 
each Cla&s to 


n3 w cu . 
f -g .*? 
i S Felons, .... 
'> ^<4"3 \ Misdemeanants, § rrt 

S Criminal Lunatics, 

946 987 14 

499 159 6 

1,445 1,146 20 

4-2 3-4 •1 SJ 

1,947 664 2,611 7-8 

Summarily Convicted. 
"Offenders under Larceny Acts, 

Misdemeanants, .... 
Dangerous Lunatics, Under Revenue Laws, Under Poor Law Acts, By Courts Martial, .... 
Deserters, ..... 
Under Vagrant Acts, .Drunkards, 

1,470 7,592 408 214 338 105 199 621 3,350 

1,230 5,976 235 37 250 

757 4,150 

2,700 13,568 643 251 588 105 199 1,378 7,500 

7-9 39-9 19 •7 1-7 •3 •6 4-1 22-1 Total, , 14,297 12,635 26,932 79-3 Total Convicted, 16,244 13,299 29,543 87-

^ ("Felons, acquitted, ^ £ | „ 

no bill or no prosecution, . 

j° •£ <{ Misdemeanants, acquitted, 

§ j „ 

no bill or no prosecution,. 
O L For further examination, 

248 127 219 145 1,967 

147 89 53 54 904 

395 216 272 199 2,871 

1-2 •7 •8 6 8-5 Total, 2,706 1,247 3,953 11-6 Untried prisoners in custody on 31st Dec, 1863, . 
326 118 444 1-3 

General Total, .... 
19,276 14,664 33,940 100-

This table is somewhat fuller than the corresponding English table. 
It indicates that in Ireland, as in England, a very large proportion of offenders are disposed of summarily. 
Table 3 shows the number of individuals committed to county and borough prisons Re-committals during the year 1863, and the number of them who had been in gaol previously once, 

(-Table 3'p* 74^ twice, thrice, &c. 
The statistics of the Inspectors-General in Ireland as to previous commitments are not given in precisely the same way as in England. 
In Ireland the number of commitments to the end of the current year is given, and in England the number of re-commitments previously undergone, so that a person who had been twice committed is included in 
