Law and practice in respect to the occupation of land in Ireland: minutes of evidence: part II

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963 there exists some difference in the management of property in this district. 
Small payments 10th Sept., 
are and must be taken through the year. 
The principal pavments can be made from October to March, and it is of uso to the tenants not to press them until then. 
Their cattle _ Z19" are not impounded on some properties, and in addition to the abolition of that inhuman prac-

y Newman'e8^ tice, the rent is as well recovered. 
I have two estates under me, and I have abolished the thing entirely. 
What means do you adopt with tenants who do not pay?—I 
generally, in the first instance, give them tho lands at_ a fair value. 
In tho case of one proprietor, I make the improvements for thorn,—they giving a slight proportion of tho labour; and if they do not pay then, after having made every exertion to make them comfortable, we must get rid of them. 
They generally go out, and another walks in and pays the rent that is due, and I have had no occasion to eject any. 
Drivers' foes also I have abolished; in two or three eases differences have been settled, and thc whole has been a considerable saving to the tenants of time and money. 
I feel bound to say I do not know that there aro fees given ; I should rather say it is not general. 
Ic is easier to manage tho estate of a resident unencumbered pro¬ prietor, than of an absent and encumbered one. 
The residence of a proprietor is, I consider, always of uso to the tenants. 
Thc agont must generally press for and give little time for payment of rent due to middlemen ; and in some cases in this district the tenantry on the properties of small proprietors in fee, aro quite if not more comfortable than on large estates. 
A good deal of property has been given out in farms to suit tlio small amount of capital, and in every case the tenants are very comfortable, generally speaking. 
I am paid a poundage in some cases, and a fixed salary in tho other. 
1 have never charged any fees on leases,— indeed wo have very few of them,—or for enforcing rents. 
In the barony of West Carbery, during tho past year, the cess rates, poor rates, &<•., 
have averaged about one-twelfth of iho whole rent. 
As soon as the heavy works now in progress are ended or finished, taxation vvil be lower : and 1 would hero suggest an alteration of the present law, as the entire burden now falls on the working farmer, although tho proprietor's property is permanently improved. 
With regard to thc npplotmont, two persons are sometimes chosen by majority of votes at vestry to applot, which is sworn to, and given to the high constable, who collects accordingly. 
It is levied twice in each year—at thc spring and summer assizes. 
Half of tho poor rate on the rent paid is allowed to tenants, and the proprietor allows the whole when payment of rent is made, in sonic cases. 
How do you mean in some cases?—I 
have understood it is not general. 
In what cases have you understood it is not allowed?--! 
have heard of cases of land¬ lords who hnvo tenants-at-will under them, and they wish to make them pay the entire rate, and they acid it to the rent. 
Half of the poor rate on the rent paid is ailuwed to the tenants, and one proprietor has given me an order to remit the entire sum, 21. 
Have you made any inquiries into the case in which you heard that a proportion of the poor rate had not been allowed?—No; 
they were not connected with the property under me. 
As to tho rent-charge, it is much more convenient to pay the landlord in addition to the reduction of one-fourth, and the tenant is not taxed additionally for improvement on his land, or for increased cultivation. 
Have you any suggestions to offer ?—I 
should say that the land along the coast is let higher than inland—the first about 30,?., 
the second 15.?., 
and the third 5s.; 
but owing to the late disturbance as to tho sea manure, I am afraid it will not be so valuable, for the sea manure below tho low water mark is generally supposed to be public property. 
Was it before assumed to be private property ?—Yes, 
and protected to a considerable extent, and brought up here and sold. 
I should say, in all cases where tho circumstances of the landlord will admit of* or induce him to make the necessary farm improvements himself, that the tenant in that case should have no power of registering the improvements against him, so as to make a charge against him. 
In tho other case, from my knowledge of farming, the tenant should have the power, in some way, of making a charge ultimately for the amount of the permanent improvements he had made. 

[ The witness withdrew?] 
Michael Sullivan, sworn and examined. 
Whore do you live ?—In 
the parish of Abbeystrowry. 

1C te rsa' 2. 
What are you?—A 
labouring man. 
What quantity of ground clo you hold ?—I 
hold no ground. 
I am a poor man. 
I have nothing but my labour. 
Under whom do you bold your house ?-—Under 
a farmer called Daniel Regan; just a house, and an acre of ground. 
What do you pay for it?—I 
pay £3; £2 for the acre of ground, and £l for the house. 
Havo you the acre of ground always in the same place ?—Different 
acres from time to time. 
The' aero I have this year I cannot have it next year ; he will have it himself. 
I must manure another acre, and without friends I could not live; without having some respectable friends who assist me, I could not appear as I am. 
What rate of wages do you got?—I 
get 6d. 
a day every day he calls me; but I am not bound for to get employment constant. 
Have you constant employment ?—No; 
but whenever ho wishes to call me, he gives me 6d. 
a day and my diet; and'then at other times I go down into the country and earn £l or 305., 
according to the wages there. 

Part II. 
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