Reports and instructions by Lord Lieutenant, with reference to boundaries and divisions of cities, boroughs and towns corporate in Ireland

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Paving and Lighting. 

Watch Tax. 

There are five different Rates; three imposed according to certain valuations of the yearly value of the premises rated ; a fourth, according to a certain rate by the square yard of the ground in front; and the fifth, according to a certain rate by the yard, lineal measure, of the premises in front. 
The first Rate is not to exceed 4s. 
in the pound in any one year; the second Rate not to exceed 3*. 
in the pound, where the Buildings are valued at a yearly sum less than 10/. 
of the Irish currency. 
These assessments arc imposed according to valua¬ tions of several descriptions; some as rated for Ministers' Money, others as valued for the Watch Tax. 
The assessments are objected to generally on account of their very unequal pressure, resulting from the nature of the valuations on which they are founded. 

s applicable to the expenses of the Police and Watch establishments, from various sources, viz. 
Carriage Tax, Pawnbrokers' Licenses. 
The fund are derived Publicans' Licenses and other Licenses. 

Watering Tax. 


829 14 9 14,312 6 8 5,850 10 111 2,954 18 G* 4,892 6 10 924 10 3 23 19 11 5 10 9 37 7 3 44 15 4 14,312 6 8 2,996 13 51 £. 
43,9*9 18 -

In April 1833 to 31 March 1834 Divisional Office, Fees and Fines -

House Tax .__----
Carriage Rent Carriage Fees, Fines and Licenses -

Pawnbrokers' Licenses Publicans' Licenses Old Clothes Licenses Glass Bottle Licenses -

Incidents -------Rent --------Received from Treasury -----

Balance -------

Act 48 Geo. 
140 :—Under this Act Commissioners have the power of assessing upon any House or Tenement within the district, Rates not exceeding is. 
6d, in the pound of the yearly rent, as rated for the collection of Ministers' Money. 
All Houses rated at and under 5/. 
for Ministers' Money, is. 
for each pound; 

From 5 /. 
and under 10/, \s.$d. 

„ 10/. 
-to -30/. 
Above 30 /. 
2 s. 
The above Taxes have always proved insufficient, and the deficiency has been supplied by annual Parliamentary Grants. 
The charges for paving are defrayed by a Rate laid upon all Lands, Houses, Shops, Warehouses, Cellars, Vaults or Tenements within the City and Liberties, not exceeding 1 s. 
in the pound in any one year of yearly rent, as rated for the Watch Tax. 
The Watering Tax is a separate Rate upon every public building, dwelling-house, messuage or tenement, dead walls and void spaces of ground in any street or public passage, not to exceed yd. 
by the foot, running measure, in a street built on both sides, and not to exceed 1 s. 
by the foot in a street built on one side. 

Presentments, Term, Grand Jury. 

Sessions • 

Giand Jury. 


P832 -

Grand Jury < 1833 -

I1834 -

28,663 5 -

29,780 4 -

30,528 8 6 

d, 3,488 10 1 3,187 2 -

3>454 7 2 

32,151 15 4 32,965 6 -

34,982 15 8 
