Correspondence between Lieutenants of Counties and Magistrates, relative to late Elections in Ireland

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7 that the same unconstitutional means may be again adopted, and lead to the parties coming into hostile collision, I would beg leave to suggest the expediency of orders being issued by Government, that in the event of such a lawless mob being assembled on this occasion, the persons compo_sing it should be immediately dis¬ persed by the authorities. 
I beg leave to add, that I have arranged for the assembling at Newry on the 15th instant (the day previous to the election commencing) of as strong a force as I could of the constabulary; and have the honour, &c. 

(signed) M. 

and Sub-Inspector of Down. 
LETTER from Sir William Gosset to M. 
Crofton, Esq., 
Sir, Dublin Castle, 14th January 1835. 
With reference to your letter of the 13th instant, in which you suggest the expediency of orders being issued by Government, that, in the event of a lawless mob being assembled near Newry during the approaching election, for the purpose of overawing the electors, the persons composing it should be immediately dis¬ persed by the authorities; I am directed by the Lord Lieutenant to remark to you, that it is not for the Government to give such orders, as the civil authorities doubtless know their duty. 
I am also to observe, that it would have been more satisfactory if, in stating that you had arranged "for the assembling at Newry on the 15th instant of as strong a force as you could of the constabulary," you had specified the amount of force which you expected to be able to assemble. 

I am, &c. 
(signed) William Gosset. 
LETTER from M. 
Crofton, Esq., 
to Sir William Gosset, &c. 
Sir Hilltown, Rathfriland, 15th January 1835. 
With reference to your letter of the 14th instant, I have the honour to inform you, that the police force (including one chief constable and 20 men of the Armagh constabulary) to be assembled at Newry during the approaching election, will con¬ sist of five officers, 104 men and five horses. 

I have the honour, &c. 
(signed) M. 

and Sub-Inspector for Down. 
Copy Memorandum from Quartermaster-General's Office. 
Now at Newry— 

Detachment 10th Hussars. 
31 Companies and Head Quarters 83d depot. 
3 Companies and Field Officer 46th Regiment. 
2 six pounders Royal Artillery. 
Quartermaster-General's Office,! 

Castle, 14 January 1835. 

LETTER from Frederick Darley, Esq., 
to the Right Honourable 

Sir H. 
Hardinge, &c. 

Head Office, 17th January 1835, gIR 

10 o'Clock p.m. 
I have great satisfaction in stating, that the general tranquillity of the city was such as to enable me before nine o'clock to dispense with the further attendance of the extra dragoons in the Lower Castle Yard, and that I have since communicated to Sir Edward Blakeney, that I consider it unnecessary to retain the troops in the garrison under orders for particular duty this night, having previously obtained the Lord Mayor's concurrence. 

I have the honour to be, &c. 

(signed) Fredh Darley. 

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